Unit in Good Standing:

How do we become a Unit in Good Standing?
These are the main elements to being a Unit in Good Standing.
1.  Membership Dues (State & National) turned in regularly to state by dates required
2.  Unit Annual Financial Review (formerly known as “Audit”) to State Office by December 1st
3.  Fiscal Year-End Report to State Office by December 1st
4.  Submits a copy of the required IRS tax form to the state PTA by December 1st
5.  Has bylaws approved every three years according to the procedures of the state PTA
6.  Officer’s list to State Office by March 31st
7.  Adherence to the Purposes & basic policies of PTA

What happens if our PTA is “not in good standing”?
If a PTA is not in good standing, neither the unit nor the students attending the PTA’s school are eligible to receive awards and recognition, e.g., membership awards, Reflections, etc.

If our PTA is “not in good standing” how do we fix it?
If a unit has become “not in good standing”, as soon as it has fulfilled the necessary requirements, it is again considered “in good standing”.

How often do our bylaws have to be reviewed?
Bylaws are required to be reviewed/updated and sent to the state office every three years.

What if we don’t have all the positions filled requested on the Officer’s Form?
Fill in the information known on the officer’s form by March 31st, and then send the other information as positions are filled.

What is the “Fiscal Year-end Report”
This is compiled by the treasurer at the close of the PTA’s fiscal year showing all actual receipts and expenditures.



What are the Membership Awards?
There are several different membership awards.  Early Bird, Bronze Medal, Silver Medal, Gold Medal, Honor Roll, Platinum Award, President’s Award, Student Membership Award, 100% Faculty Award, Diamond Faculty Award, and Business Partnership Award.

Where can I find the Membership award applications?
The application is now fully digital!  Here is the link to the Membership Award Application. (You must be logged in to access this form)

When is the last date for dues to count towards awards?
Dues must be postmarked by March 1st, to count toward awards.

What is the deadline for Membership awards?
Membership award applications must be submitted by March 1st.

How does our unit make the Honor Roll?
PTA units that send in dues equal to or greater than the previous year’s membership are automatically placed on the Honor Roll.  Dues must be postmarked by March 1, to count toward this award. (New units and units that did not send in dues the previous year do not qualify for this award)


Can only a parents become a PTA member?
No! Remember the T in PTA stands for teachers, and if your unit is a PTSA, the S stands for students! But don’t stop there. Invite school staff, school district staff, grandparents, business leaders and neighbors to become members. Attend a school board meeting and ask the school district trustees and administrators to become PTA members.

When do we end our membership campaign?
You don’t.  You may sell memberships throughout the year.  While you may want to establish a deadline for certain incentives or prizes, anyone should be able to buy a membership at any time during the school year.

How many membership “drives” does the average PTA have per year?
While membership is always a year round campaign, many PTA’s will have 1-2 focused drives during the year.  Once during the “back to school” months and then again after the new year starts.

What are the keys to a successful year long membership campaign?

An enthusiastic, organized membership committee with a comprehensive plan for an ongoing membership drive that clearly communicates the value of someone’s investment in PTA membership is the critical factor.  Membership is not about the “stuff”; it is about making a difference in the lives of all children.  Clearly, your membership committee chair is one of the most important people on your board, and one of the first positions you should fill.

Do we have to use the state Membership Theme?
No, it is only provided as a suggestion.  You may use whatever membership theme best fits your school and campaign.

Do we need to keep a Membership Roster/List?
Yes, every PTA needs to keep a list of their members! Your bylaws indicate that the Secretary, or other officer, maintain a list of current members.  Missouri’s NonProfit Law, Chapter 355, Section 355-271 provides that every Missouri nonprofit corporation – like the Missouri State PTA – shall keep a record of members eligible to vote.  Keep the list updated as new members are enrolled. Include the member’s name, address, phone number and child/children’s name(s). You may also want to keep the date they enrolled. If your PTA can communicate electronically, get email addresses from your members as well.

By knowing who your members are, you can better meet their needs.  In addition, making notes on your master list, of functions or committees on which members are willing to serve can enhance you PTA in crucial ways.  Utilizing the list enables members to assist in filling your various volunteer needs throughout the year.  More importantly, by inviting members to take on a more active role, your PTA will become more diverse, fresh ideas will surface, and new leaders will emerge.

Who should have the Membership Roster/List?
A copy of the membership roster should be kept on file with the president, secretary, treasurer, and membership chairman. The secretary needs a list to verify who is eligible to vote during meetings. The nominating committee should receive the list as a resource for considering members to be proposed for PTA offices. The nominating committee must verify that those persons nominated are members and eligible for office.

How can we increase attendance at our PTA meetings?
Many schools will combine some type of school event with their meetings.  You may want to work with your principal and teachers (music & art especially) to have a music performance or art showcase that starts after your meeting ends.  You might want to consider holding a meeting in conjunction with a PTA program that have activities for students to do while their parents are in your meeting or have the program start after your meeting ends.  Having dinner or food available (donated or for a low cost) is always a great way to get people to show up.

Sponsorship Policy

Missouri PTA Development/Sponsorship Policy

Missouri PTA will seek sponsors who help further the aims, programs, and goals of the organization by providing money or in-kind donations. Sponsorships should be linked to specific activities, events, programs or publications.

Missouri PTA will not seek nor accept sponsorship money or in-kind donations from companies who manufacture products or take public positions inconsistent with policies of Missouri PTA or National PTA positions and resolutions. A successor clause will appear in all contracts.

A. Purpose
The Development/Sponsorship policies outline methods to identify and obtain corporate sponsors who can support, through cash and in-kind donations, resources and activities of Missouri PTA.

B. Priorities
Development priorities can be created in ways including but not limited to: committee decision, invitation from a funder, through research, or through recommendation by a Board of Managers member. The complete list of priorities, which may change during the year, determines the plan of action for securing external support.

C. Contact
All sponsorship proposals will be presented to and approved by the Executive Committee on the appropriate form. The Executive Committee will assign a contact person upon approval. The Board of Managers will be notified of any new sponsors at their next scheduled meeting or via board mail.

D. Guidelines for Grants and/or Programmatic Funding Proposals
The following are general guidelines which must be followed when designing proposals:

1. The proposal must explain the project’s relevance to Missouri PTA’s mission and goals. Where possible, it should explain the need or problem, citing any research or relevant statistics.

2. The proposal must identify a target audience and describe the effect the project will have on the audience and why this is important. An evaluation will be completed at the conclusion of the project to determine if the expectations were met.

3. The proposal needs to explain why the PTA is in the best position to conduct the project and if another organization’s resources are necessary to complement PTA’s. If so, the group will be asked to work with PTA as a cooperating organization.

4. All proposals should indicate whether funding is required beyond the initial plan.

Membership Dues

How much are our local unit membership dues?  How can we change the amount of our unit’s dues?

Your unit’s dues are specified in your bylaws and may be amended by a vote of the general membership, following bylaws amendment procedures.  The amount should include a reasonable sum for the local unit, plus $4.25 for national and state dues ($2.25 and $2.00 respectively).  Total dues should be affordable by all prospective members of the community.

When should membership dues be turned in?
On the first day of the next month after collected.

How do we send in our membership dues?
Fill out a Dues Remittance Form, enclose a check for the number of dues listed and mail to the State Office at the address on the form, or submit your dues online and pay via PayPal.

How much do we send into the state office for our dues?
For each member, a total of $4.25 is sent into the state office to cover the state & national dues.  For each business membership, $5.50 is sent into the state office.

What about “Family Memberships”?
Missouri PTA discourages group and/or family memberships. The concept of group memberships (e.g., family memberships) must include the payment of dues and a membership card issued to each member. Your PTA’s bylaws should stipulate the number of members considered a family and the price of said “family membership”.  You will still need to send in the appropriate amount of dues ($4.25) for each person included in the “family membership” price.

Where do I find a Dues Remittance Form?
On our website under Forms and Awards.

Can we increase our membership dues?
Yes, but only after following the steps outlined in your bylaws regarding dues increases.  The amount you send to the state office stays the same.

May we charge students a lower rate of membership dues?
Yes, you may have a student membership rate. However, the amount of student dues must be listed in your bylaws and must be enough to cover the portion of dues ($4.25) that is sent in to cover the state & national dues. Student members’ dues may not be subsidized by the unit.

Are membership dues tax deductable?
By virtue of being part of National and the state PTA, the IRS grants a local unit PTA non-profit (501(c)(3)) status and therefore dues collected by PTA units are generally tax deductible. This is provided that the services a PTA provides to members are intangible and do not provide any direct benefit to specific members or groups of members. Such intangible services include leadership and legislation.

* Please keep in mind:  PTA does not dispense tax advice.  It is the taxpayer’s responsibility to report income and deductions appropriately.  Members or PTAs should consult directly with a tax professional if they believe their circumstances are unusual.