JC/DC ACTION ALERT:  Powdered Alcohol

HB1786 has received Do Passes from the Senate committees.  This will soon come before the body for a vote.
HB 1786 would ban the sale of powered alcohol in the state of Missouri.

Powdered Alcohol is a particular concern for PTA because underage drinking creates and environment that can be extremely dangerous to children.  Because of the potential for abuse, powdered alcohol has been banned in more than 27 states.

Dear Senator,

As a community we prioritize safety with regard to our kids. We have laws that require young children be restrained in car seats.  Medicines must be sold in childproof containers.  We encourage classes on fire safety.  And our schools and communities work hard to raise awareness of the dangers of underage drinking.  Powdered Alcohol has a high potential for abuse creating a dangerous environment for children. 


Powdered Alcohol is not “freeze-dried alcohol” but rather ethyl alcohol encapsulated by a sugar container.  It can be easily concealed, sprinkled onto food products, taken as a pill, snorted, injected and mixed with other alcohol and drugs such as cocaine and marijuana making it even more potent and inhibiting the user’s ability to fight off alcohol poisoning.

Help keep our children safe from such harmful products.  Please support HB 1786 by voting yes.


Your name and PTA

Not sure how to contact your state legislators? Click here and insert your street address or 9-digit zip code.

Carla Wiese

Vice President & Director of Legislation


NEA Webinar Events

Event One:

May 11, 6:00-6:45 p.m. Central Time, A Google Hangout

Childhood Mental Illness — A Growing Epidemic In Our Schools

Learn about childhood mental illness including instructional and classroom strategies to help the 1 in 5 children diagnosed with mental illness learn. All school staff, parents and community members are invited to join this FREE event.

Use this link to join at 6 p.m. on May 11: https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/clfgcg4v5h2ur4iqvs3r4k7ceb4

Event Two:

May 17, 5-6 p.m. CDT

The No. 1 Crisis Facing Our Children Today- Mental Illness & Its Alarming Effects

This online event covers topics such as mental health, suicide prevention, and the 
effects of bullying on mental health. Learn strategies for improving children’s mental 
health. Learn what solutions are offered by schools, and obtain resources including 
mental health screenings and the Medicaid free care rule.  All educators, ESP, school staff, 
parents, mental health workers and community members are welcome to join this FREE

Presenters: Theresa Nguyen – Senior Director of Policy and Programming-Mental Health America, and Christy Buck- Executive Director of the Mental Health Foundation of West Michigan

Register now for this free event at https://events-na5.adobeconnect.com/content/connect/c1/932539447/en/events/event/shared/1465193607/event_landing.html?sco-id=1686563147.

On the day and time of the event, join using this link:http://neaorg.adobeconnect.com/edcommunities-seminar/

JC/DC ACTION ALERT:  Streamlined Sales Tax

SB 795 received a do pass by the Senate Ways and Means Committee and has been placed on the formal Calendar for Perfection.  This means debate could happen at any time.

SB 795 would create a means for Missouri to capture an estimated $358 million in state and local sales tax revenue.  Currently our state’s sales tax law allows online retailers to benefit from a loophole that does not require them to collect sales tax on the products they sell online.  The result is a loss in general revenue for public services like education, public safety and transportation.  Additionally, our local bricks and mortar retailers, who are required to collect these taxes, are adversely affected by this un-level commerce playing field.  These local bricks and mortar business are typically large supporters of the PTAs and schools in their communities.

Act Now on SB 795