Missouri Tax-Exempt Certificate Guide
From National PTA Hierarchy of Governing Documents for PTA State Constituent Associations
MOPTA Tool Kit
- Bylaws & Parliamentary Procedure
- PTA Unit in Good Standing; The Successful PTA Unit Meeting; Conducting The Meeting; Protocol for Guest Speakers; Parliamentary Procedure; Presiding Through the Agenda; Motions; Debate; Parliamentarian; Parliamentarian Quick Reference; ByLaws Chairman; Procedures for ByLaws Review; ByLaws Reminders for Specific Articles; Amendments to ByLaws; Sample Amendments; The Nominating Committee; Election of Officers; The Election Meeting; Voting Term & Methods
- Committees
- About Committees; Key Points for Committee Chairmen; Procedure Book
- Leadership
- Leadership; Why PTA; Officers and Executive Board
- Legislative Handbook
- Legislation & Advocacy – PTA Overview; Advocacy is for all PTA Members; Department Structure; How To Be a Legislative Chair: Issues, Politics & Issues; JC/DC Network & Taking Action; Resources & Awards
- Membership
- Membership VP/Chairman; Why join PTA?; Form a Committee; Make a Plan; Membership Resources; State and National PTA Tools; Who Do I Ask?
- PTA Member Engagement
- PTA Family Engagement
- PTA Programs and Special Events
- FOUNDERS DAY ‐ February 17th; Take Your Family to School Week; National PTA School of Excellence; Read Across America Day – March 2nd; Family Reading Experience; Reflections Arts Program; Distracted Driving Prevention – April; Child Abuse Prevention – April; National Volunteer Week – April; Teacher Appreciation Week – May; Bullying Prevention Month – October; Healthy Lifestyles Month – November
- Resolution Handbook
- Missouri PTA Resolutions Process; Resolutions – Request for Action; Required Criteria; Process After Submittal; Emergency Resolutions; General Formatting Guidelines; Resources; Submitting Resolutions to National PTA; Issues Worksheet; Whereas Worksheet; Resolved Worksheet; Resolution Worksheet; Convention Action Cover Sheet
- Resolution Worksheets
- Scholarship Information
- Missouri PTA Scholarship Program; How To Donate To The Missouri PTA Scholarship Funds
- Talent Bank Interest Finder
- Training Field Service
- Missouri PTA Training
- Treasurer
- Basic Information; The Budget; Banking; Electronic Commerce; Annual Financial Review; Contracts, Incorporation and Insurance; Federal Requirements; Charitable Contributions; Theft, Fraud and Embezzlement Guidelines
End of Year Procedures
End of Year Procedure forms can be found here
Officer Documentation