School Wellness Symposium

The Missouri Association of Secondary School Principals will be hosing an event in Columbia, MO, November 17-18, entitled “School Wellness Symposium – Building Bridges Together.”  The target audience is for K-12 educators, counselors, support staff, health professionals, higher education, clergy, and community decision-makers.


  • Closing Gaps in Achievement and Opportunity: Tyrone Howard
  • Race and Culture in Schools: Tyrone Howard
  • Creating A Culture of High Expectations: Anthony Colannino
  • Making Equity Matter: Maisah Howard
  • Trauma-Sensitive Classrooms: Maisah Howard
  • Building Relationships: Linda Jordan
  • Anxiety and Depression: Polly Patrick
  • Cultural Competency: Erica Battle
  • Social-Emotional Learning: Denise White
  • Hope in Learning: Venola Mason
  • Self-Care: Adam Drummond
  • Chemical Dependency: Linda Jordan
  • School Safety: Missouri School Boards Association
  • Medicaid 101: Missouri School Boards Association (Kim Ratcliffe) NKC Schools (Perry Hilvitz)

Registration and hotel information can be found here.

Scholarship Opportunity: Prudential Spirit of Community Awards

The Prudential Spirit of Community Awards is looking for Missouri’s top youth volunteers of the year! Students in grades 5-12 are invited to apply for the 2020 Prudential Spirit of Community Awards if they have made meaningful contributions to their communities through volunteer service within the past twelve months. Winners will receive $1,000 scholarships, medallions and an all-expense-paid trip to Washington D.C. with a parent or guardian for four days of recognition events from May 2-5, 2020.  Applications are due by November 5, 2019.

·   More information and application

National School of Excellence Program – Enrollment Open Now

Enrollment for the 2019-2020 National PTA School of Excellence program year is now open at until October 1!

The National PTA School of Excellence program supports and celebrates partnerships between PTAs and schools to enrich the educational experience and overall well-being of all students. By enrolling in this program, PTAs are making a yearlong commitment to identify and implement an action plan for school improvement based on PTA’s National Standards for Family-School Partnerships.

Visit for much more information about the program, including answers to Frequently Asked Questions, informational videos, and stories about how other schools have found success with this program.