STOP Cuts to Classrooms Campaign Extended to December

Dear PTA Leaders,

The deadline to fund the federal government was extended to December 8, 2018. Therefore, National PTA has decided to extend our #STOPCutsToClassrooms campaign to December 8 to continue to spread our message and advocate for greater federal investments in public education.

PTA members nationwide made their voices heard through social media to #STOPCutsToClassrooms from July through September amounting to millions of shared posts to raise awareness of the critical  need to invest in federal education programs. As Congress is still working to fund the government for next year, we too still have a job to do as PTA advocates to ensure every child receives a quality education and reaches their full potential.

So we are asking every state PTA, local unit and PTA member to get involved in the #STOPCutsToClassrooms campaign again by participating in Funding Fridays on Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms. Attached is an updated social media toolkit with specific tweets and posts you can use each Friday from November 3 to December 1.

Sample Social Media Posts for November 3 


  • Tell your friends to send a letter to Congress TODAY requesting to #STOPCutsToClassrooms & invest in education
  • #RaisetheCaps to adequately invest in ED programs in FY18 and #STOPCutsToClassrooms @SenateGOP @HouseGOP @SenateDems @HouseDemocrats
  • Join @NationalPTA & Education advocates nationwide TODAY for Funding Friday to #STOPCutsToClassrooms 


We are joining National PTA in Funding Fridays to say #STOPCutsToClassrooms! Send a letter to your member of Congress TODAY asking them to #STOPCutsToClassrooms and ensure funding for public education is more than 2% of the federal budget in fiscal year 2018. Make your voice heard by sending a letter at

Social Media Graphics

You can find additional information about the #STOPCutsToClassrooms campaign at Please let me know if you have any questions.


Joshua L. Westfall

Government Affairs Manager

National PTA®

1250 N. Pitt Street
Alexandria, VA 22314

Office: (703) 518-1249 |Cell(571) 289-8258

[email protected]

JC/DC Alert: Tell Congress to Invest in Public Education!!!

Dear Advocates—

Thank you for taking action to #StopCutsToClassrooms! Your voice has helped raise awareness about the cuts to education funding that are hurting our schools and the critical need for Congress to make sure funding for public education is more than 2% of the federal budget.

While the first phase of the #StopCutsToClassrooms campaign has been a great success, our work isn’t done yet.  We’re counting on you to send a letter to your member of Congress demanding federal funding for public education is more than 2% of the budget. Congress hasn’t passed a budget yet, so there is still time to make your voice heard!

To make it easy for you– we have a letter ready to go. All you need to do is make sure to send this letter to your members of Congress and encourage others in your network to do the same.

Thank you for your continued support to #StopCutsToClassrooms,
National PTA Government Affairs Team

Tell Congress to Invest in Public Education and #STOPCutsToClassrooms!

SFEC Amendment Passed!

The SFEC amendment just passed the House floor en bloc!!!  Way to go, PTA advocates!!

You can see the amendment listed as part of the Cole En Bloc 4 here.  Scroll down to Amendments to Division F – (Labor, Health and Human Services, Education & Related Agencies). The amendment is #166.

Thank you for all your advocacy!! It worked!!  Now we need to get the funding into a final bill that will also need to pass in the Senate.


National PTA Government Affairs

Jacki Ball | Director, Government Affairs

National PTA®

P: (703) 518-1243 | C: (703) 405-5206

[email protected] @balljacki

National PTA Urges Congress to Pass Comprehensive Immigration Reform

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (Sept. 6, 2017)–Yesterday, the U.S. Department of Justice announced that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program will be terminated March 2018. With the six-month delay in enforcement, Congress now has the opportunity to address the issue of immigration in a fair, appropriate and equitable way.

“With the announcement that the DACA program will be rescinded, our attention turns to Congress to urge bipartisan, comprehensive immigration reform. Now, policymakers have a momentous opportunity towork together to provide real solutions that benefit our nation’s diverse and talented youth and their families,” said Jim Accomando, president of National PTA. “National PTA encourages our 4 million members to mobilize by reaching out to their members of Congress, urging them to pass legislation that provides the young immigrants who have received protection under DACA the ability to reach their fullest potential. Their future and our nation’s future depend on it.”

National PTA has long believed that every child residing in the United States—regardless of their immigration status—has the right of access to a high-quality public education, adequate food and shelter, and basic health care services. Ensuring that all children, including immigrant children, have the opportunity to become productive members of society is essential and in the best interest of the nation.

“Access to an education and essential services is the most effective method to give children—and our nation—the best opportunity to succeed. These services should not be denied to any child,” added Nathan R. Monell, CAE, National PTA executive director. “At National PTA, our motto is ‘Every Child, One Voice,’ and one of our founding principles is to advocate for children and families who are most vulnerable. With yesterday’s announcement, our association raises our voice for the 800,000 young immigrants who are impacted.”

 About National PTA

National PTA® comprises millions of families, students, teachers, administrators, and business and community leaders devoted to the educational success of children and the promotion of family engagement in schools. PTA is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit association that prides itself on being a powerful voice for all children, a relevant resource for families and communities, and a strong advocate for public education. Membership in PTA is open to anyone who wants to be involved and make a difference for the education, health and welfare of children and youth. For more information, visit

Media Contact

Heidi May Wilson, National PTA

[email protected](703) 518-1242