Missouri PTA Announces 2018 “Within Reach” State Reflections Program Winners!

Missouri PTA is pleased to announce the 2018 “Within Reach” State Reflections Program winners. These students and their families will be receiving an invitation to the annual Missouri PTA Student Showcase on April 29th at the Stoney Creek Hotel and Convention Center in Independence. The first place winning entries have been advanced to National PTA for consideration. The national level results will be announced in early May.

Please notify Missouri PTA with any corrections to this list by email (office1@mopta.org) by March 30th. This will help ensure that all student awards and program materials are correct. Thank you in advance for your help.

Congratulations to all of our Reflections participants and volunteers on very successful program this year. Thank you for helping keep the Reflections Program a strong and cherished PTA tradition.

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