What Does Your Family Think About STEM?

STEM + YOUR Family
What are your thoughts on STEM education? How do you incorporate STEM activities at home? We want to hear from you!
Please take a brief survey to share more about your perceptions of and engagement in STEM education. Your insights will help to inform National PTA’s STEM + Families initiative.
Everyone who completes this survey will be eligible to win one of five Panera gift cards—courtesy of Bayer, National PTA’s STEM + Families Founding & Presenting Sponsor.
This survey will close on October 14.
National PTA Headquarters
1250 N. Pitt Street
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Phone: (703) 518-1200
Toll Free: (800) 307-4PTA
Fax: (703) 836-0942
E-mail: info@pta.org
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1250 N. Pitt Street, Alexandria, VA 22314