National PTA and Alaska PTA Supports Disaster Relief Funding for Families and Schools Impacted by Earthquake

ALEXANDRIA, VA, (Dec. 6, 2018)—National PTA President Jim Accomando and Alaska PTA President Candy Jo Bracken issued the following statement regarding the Nov. 30 earthquake and ongoing aftershocks:

“National PTA and Alaska PTA our deeply concerned for all communities affected by the 7.0 magnitude earthquake in Southcentral Alaska. Many families and schools have been impacted by this devastation and we empathize with those who are experiencing loss of property, safety, and routines. School officials discovered collapsed ceilings, dangling vents and water damage in some schools. Every school was affected in some way, with some schools sustaining major damage.”

“As the nation’s and state’s oldest and largest child advocacy association, it is our duty to support families and school communities as they rebuild and recover. We remain committed to doing everything we can to assist in the restoration of learning environments and emotional support for students and families.”

“National PTA offers resources to help families and educators have conversations with children to help them deal with the fear, confusion, sadness and anger they may feel after incidents like the earthquake in Alaska. These resources and other tips are available at”

“The Disaster Relief Fund was established by National PTA to help with disaster assistance and respond to tragedies that grievously disrupt a school or education system. We encourage PTAs and schools impacted by this massive earthquake to apply for support from the fund. We also urge everyone to donate to the fund to help support PTAs and schools deemed not safe because of the damage.”

“In addition to National PTA’s Disaster Relief Fund, several community and charitable organizations are assisting those in need. Alaska PTA encourages those who can to join or donate to the Alaska VIP unit  to help classrooms recover from their losses.   The Red Cross is managing emergency shelters for those displaced by the earthquake is accepting financial donations for those people in need. We also encourage our members to support the Salvation Army, who is providing food for people sheltering at various centers and other organizations. “

“PTA members work hard every day to give our children, families and school communities what they need to thrive. Following this type of tragedy, our mission becomes that much more important. We know we can count on our PTA members across the country to help meet the needs caused by the Southcentral Alaska earthquake.”

 About Alaska PTA

 Alaska PTA is a collection of valued individuals across the state who serve as volunteers on the Board of Managers and on Standing and Special Committees to support local PTA units, advocate for improved education in Alaska and the U.S., and who speak together with one voice for the children and youth of Alaska.

 About National PTA 
PTA® comprises of families, students, teachers, administrators and business and community leaders devoted to the educational success of children and the promotion of family engagement in schools. PTA is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit association that prides itself on being a powerful voice for all children, a relevant resource for families and communities, and a strong advocate for public education. Membership in PTA is open to anyone who wants to be involved and make a difference for the education, health and welfare of children and youth. For more information, visit

LaWanda Toney
Director of Strategic Communications