Category: MOPTA News
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Upcoming Vaping Webinars – November 18th
11/18/2021 – Navigating the Tobacco & E-Cigarette Epidemic: What Parents Need to Know Webinar – Nov. 2021
11/18/2021 – Navigating the Tobacco & E-Cigarette Epidemic: What Schools Need to Know Webinar – Nov. 2021
Missouri PTA Convention 2021 Early Bird Deadline Extended
The deadline for Early Bird discounted registration has been extended to September 9, 2021.
Register Today!
Go to for more information.
DESE Priority Standards Feedback Request
DESE is requesting feedback on Priority Standards from Missouri families. If you would like to participate please see the letter below and share with your units and councils.
Missouri PTA Signs-On to show support of extending key Child Nutrition Waivers through June 30, 2021
While extending the child nutrition waivers through December 31, 2020 is an important first step, it is critical that these waivers are available through June 30, 2021, and that this extension is made quickly.
Schools and community sponsors need consistency and time in order to effectively plan and implement meal service. Requiring school nutrition directors and community sponsors to switch from one program to another on January 1st will only result in confusion for families, as well as disruptions to meal access at a time when child hunger continues to grow.
We ask that USDA acts before September 30th – when the Families First Coronavirus Response Act authority to issue nationwide waivers expires – to extend the following waivers to ensure continued access to meals through the entire school year:
– Allow the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) and Seamless Summer Option (SSO) to be used to feed children through the school year;
– Extend all nationwide waivers for SFSP and SSO, including non-congregate feeding, parent/guardian pick-up, meal pattern flexibility, meal service time, and area eligibility waiver through the school year;
– Waive the Afterschool Activity Requirement for the Afterschool Meal Program and the Snack Programs available through CACFP and NSLP; and
– Allow those providing meals through the Summer Food Service Program or Seamless Summer Option to also utilize Afterschool Meal and Snack Programs.