Membership Card Template Request

To request a fillable PDF to fill and print your own membership cards, please fill out the short form below.

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Fillable Business Membership Certificate Request

This service is no longer available.

To request a fillable PDF to fill out for your business members, please fill out the short form below.

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Membership Challenge 2017-2018

This membership year 10 new members is all it takes to be automatically entered into a drawing for $75!  Simply increase your total membership numbers (combination of business and individual) over last year’s total.  Units who increase by 20 new members will also be entered into a drawing for $150.  And, finally, units who increase by 30 will be entered into an additional drawing for $250.  So, if your unit increases your membership numbers by 30 you are automatically entered into all three drawings!  Eligible membership dues must be turned into (postmarked or submitted online with payment) by March 31.  The drawing will be held at the general membership meeting during the MOPTA annual convention.

  • $75 drawing – increase by 10 – Ten units will be winners
  • $150 drawing – increase by 20 – Five units will be winners
  • $250 drawing – increase by 30 – Two units will be winners

*units who did not submit dues during the 2016-2017 membership year are not eligible until those dues are submitted.

Click here to access the online and downloadable membership dues form.


• PTA Surveys click HERE (in MS Word format)

• Membership section of the Tool Kit.  It is also available online in the Tools/Resources Section of this website.

• PTA Membership Quick-Reference Guide.  This is included in the Back-to-School kit from National PTA.  The kit is available online.

• Procedure Book.  This should be passed on to you from your predecessor.  If you didn’t get one, start one now.

• National website:  Check out the latest information & hints about card activation, member benefits and growing your PTA.

• Check out “201 Ways to Increase Your Membership“.

• Search the Internet:  PTA Membership, PTA Membership Campaigns, PTA Membership Ideas, etc.; Look at other State or unit PTA Websites and Newsletters on-line

• CONTACT:  This is a state magazine publication that is online under the PTA Members Section of this website