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Register to Vote Day – Sept. 17th
Yesterday, September 17th, 2024 was National Voter Registration Day.
The PTA is America’s largest child advocacy organization. One of the easiest ways that we can advocate for what is important to us is by becoming educated on the ballot topics and showing up to the voting booth.
- Registering to vote takes less than five minutes and is the first step in making sure your voice is heard.
- The second step is voting.
It really is that easy!
If you are in Missouri, you can register to vote here:
Missouri PTA advocates for all children and for the improvement of public education. It believes that any changes in school structure or funding should be measured by the likely outcomes for all children in accord with the obligation to prepare all children to become effective, productive adult citizens.
As this bill has some good points, it is riddled with bad points, as well. Missouri PTA advocates are called upon to ensure the Governor understands that you are paying attention and that this issue is important to you!
ACTION NEEDED: PLEASE CALL OR E-MAIL and urge Governor Parson to veto the recently passed SB 727.
MOPTA Advocates are invited to utilize the letter below to guide your calls, emails, and social media contact but ACT NOW as there are only a few days left for the Governor to approve or veto this bill. Click here: For Governor Parson’s office
Dear Governor Parson,
We are deeply concerned about the financial viability of Senate Bill 727.
As Governor you have repeatedly demonstrated your dedication towards education. Your budgets have consistently fully funded the foundation formula, put historic levels of funding into school transportation, increased support for baseline teacher salary grants, and increased investment in pre-K education.
Funding the promises in this legislation would cost a projected $467 million. Coupled with anticipated tax cuts that may reduce future revenue, and formula increases due to the new state adequacy target this could create a financial crisis for either the state government or local public schools if state appropriators fail to deliver on their promises. Such circumstances will force these schools to either increase taxes or cut essential classroom resources
and support for students—which would jeopardize the success of our students and our state. While we stand firmly against many of the policies in this bill, such as expansion of unproven school vouchers and establishment of charter schools in Boone County without input or consent from residents or the local elected school board, the flaw in this legislation that should deeply worry us all is the price tag.
Governor Parson, we are devoted to fostering the success and well-being of all Missouri students, a commitment Senate Bill 727 threatens to undermine. We ask you to reflect on the broad impacts of this bill and consider its potential to weaken the financial foundation of our state and public education framework that has served many Missourians for generations.
We sincerely urge you to veto Senate Bill 727 to protect students and ensure every child in Missouri has access to well-resourced classrooms guided by highly qualified educators.
NO schools win with this legislation!!
Your Name and PTA
JC/DC ACTION ALERT: Take Action: Tell Your Representative to OPPOSE HB1989 Open Enrollment
Missouri PTA advocates for all children and for the improvement of public education. It believes that any changes in school structure or funding should be measured by the likely outcomes for all children in accord with the obligation to prepare all children to become effective, productive adult citizens.
The focus should be on supporting and improving our schools and all populations in each of our communities rather than tearing them apart. Each community is unique and to say that open enrollment would benefit all students is misleading and grossly misunderstood. However, the impact will be felt by all due to the financial hardship it will cause for districts.
Missouri PTA advocates are called upon to ensure your Representative understands that you are paying attention and that this issue is important to you!
ACTION NEEDED: PLEASE CALL OR E-MAIL and urge your Senator to oppose the recently debated and passed HB 1989.
MOPTA Advocates are invited to utilize the letter below to guide your calls, emails, and social media contact with your lawmaker(s).
Dear Representative,
Open enrollment has the potential to impact the financial resources of the school districts that gain students and those that lose students. Missouri does not provide the same level of funding for any two school districts and local tax rates vary greatly among school districts. As students move among Missouri school districts, open enrollment could create financial chaos.
Less money in classrooms is a concern for me. HB 1989 will pit public schools against one another. School districts will compete for students and large sums of money that should be utilized for the education of children will instead be used for marketing and other recruitment materials. Schools will also be forced to “one up” one another for the best facilities and best sports programs which will further deplete money going into the classroom.
Loss of Community Support is another concern. If HB 1989 is passed, school districts should expect less community support and involvement. If individuals are living within their resident district but sending their children to a non-resident district, those individuals will be less likely to support ballot measures to increase their taxes in the resident districts.
The legislation allows districts to deny students based on special education status. This is outlandish and as this text stands, appears to permit school districts to discriminate against special needs children.
Open Enrollment changes the feel of the community/neighborhood school. Already crowded schools may become even more crowded and smaller urban and rural schools may face consolidation. NO schools win with this legislation!!
Your Name and PTA
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