National PTA Applauds Enactment of Spending Bills

ALEXANDRIA, Va., (Dec. 21, 2019)—National PTA President Leslie Boggs issued the following statement on the signing of the spending bills last night by President Trump:

“National PTA applauds Congress and the administration for coming together to enact two bills that fund the government through fiscal year 2020 and avoid a shutdown. We also commend Congress for including in the bills a $4.9 billion increase for labor, health and human services and education programs as well as providing funding for some of National PTA’s key priorities. For years, we have urged Congress to prioritize students, families and schools and make investments in programs that make a difference for the education, health, safety, well-being and success of every child.

“Among National PTA’s key priorities, the bills allot $25 million for research into firearm injury and mortality prevention. The bills also dedicate $10 million for the Statewide Family Engagement Centers (SFEC) program. Additionally, the bills include funding increases for Head Start, Child Care Development Block Grants, Student Support and Academic Enrichment State Grants, Title I and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Further, the bills provide over $23 billion for child nutrition programs.

“These programs help ensure that all students have the supports they need to succeed in school as well as receive well-rounded educational opportunities and learn in healthy and safe environments. The investments in these programs are critical to ensure every child reaches their full potential and for the long-term success of our country. We commend Congress for acknowledging the importance of these programs for students, families, schools and our nation.”

About National PTA

National PTA® comprises millions of families, students, teachers, administrators, and business and community leaders devoted to the educational success of children and the promotion of family engagement in schools. PTA is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit association that prides itself on being a powerful voice for all children, a relevant resource for families and communities, and a strong advocate for public education. Membership in PTA is open to anyone who wants to be involved and make a difference for the education, health and welfare of children and youth. For more information, visit

Nominations Open for National PTA’s 2020 Advocacy Awards

For Immediate Release from National PTA:

Nominations for National PTA’s 2020 Advocacy Awards are now being accepted! The deadline to submit
nominations is Wednesday, December 18 at 11:59 PM ET.

National PTA’s annual Advocacy Awards recognize outstanding youth, individual PTA advocates, and local
unit and state PTAs that have done great advocacy work. If you know of an outstanding youth or individual
PTA advocate, or know of a local unit or state PTA that has done great advocacy work, please nominate
them to receive an award for their efforts from National PTA! Winners will be announced in January and
will receive their awards at the 2020 Legislative Conference in Alexandria, VA.

We are counting on you to both nominate strong advocates in your states and promote the awards while
nominations are open. This toolkit is designed to provide sample social media and newsletter messages
that can be used to share the Advocacy Award opportunity with PTA leaders in your states.

About the Awards

Shirley Igo Advocate of the Year Award
The Shirley Igo Advocate of the Year Award is presented to an individual PTA member, who through their leadership
and advocacy efforts, affected federal policy priorities within PTA’s annual Public Policy Agenda. Shirley was a model
of public service and volunteerism throughout her life. She was an impassioned and compassionate leader,
dedicated to moving PTA forward and committed to ensuring that others would follow.

Outstanding Youth Advocate of the Year Award
The Outstanding Youth Advocate of the Year Award is presented to a young person—who—through his or her
creativity, leadership, and dedication, has positively affected policy or change in his or her school or community in a
way that aligns with PTA’s mission and goals.

Outstanding State PTA Advocacy Award
The Outstanding State PTA Advocacy Award is presented to a state PTA that, through their dedication, leadership
and efforts positively affected legislative and/or regulatory policy compatible with PTA’s mission and goals. These
efforts must be based on a statewide issue, involve working with multiple organizations or coalitions through
grassroots collaboration, and contain a public awareness/advocacy training component for PTA members and the
community at large.

Outstanding Local PTA Advocacy Award
The Outstanding Local PTA Advocacy Award is presented to a local, district, council or regional PTA that, through
their dedication, leadership and efforts positively affected legislative and/or regulatory policy compatible with PTA’s
mission and goals. These efforts must include an education/learning component for PTA members and the
community-at-large. Working with multiple organizations or coalitions through grassroots collaboration is preferred.

Missouri PTA is proud of all of our advocates and we’ve heard touching and inspiring stories of advocacy in
action at the local, state, and national levels. Now is the time to share our advocacy successes! Thank you
for being an advocate for all children, our voice is strong because of your dedication.

For ALL children,
Kristina Wilmoth
VP & Director of Legislation and Advocacy
Missouri PTA

Missouri PTA JC/DC ACTION ALERT: Address Gun Violence Through Universal Background Checks

We are experiencing unprecedented numbers of acts of gun violence in our communities all over this
country. According to the CDC, firearms are the second leading cause of death for American children
and teens and the first leading cause of death for Black children and teens. Given PTA’s history of
advocacy for the safety of children and youth, National PTA and Missouri PTA support federal efforts to
protect children and youth from gun violence. We also advocate for restricting access to guns from
persons who may endanger public safety. Missouri PTA is asking you to take action and alert your
senators to co-sponsor S.42-Background Check Expansion. There are 41 cosponsors-none of which are
from Missouri.

You can use the letter below for your direct communication with your senator, or go to to utilize an auto-populated form that will contact
your Senators with a message. (You can use this letter in place of the auto-populated letter in the form.)

Dear Senator,
Gun violence continues to plague our nation. With every new report of a tragic attack, I become more
concerned about my community and my child’s safety. As a parent and PTA member, I support sensible
solutions to end gun violence through measures such as universal background checks. I urge you to
immediately support the Background Check Expansion Act (S.42) to address this national crisis.
Firearms are the second leading cause of death for American children and teens and the first leading
cause of death for Black children and teens. Given PTA’s history of advocacy for the safety of children
and youth, National PTA and Missouri PTA support federal efforts to protect children and youth from
gun violence. We also advocate for restricting access to guns from persons who may endanger public

Universal background checks for all firearm sales is a concrete step the Senate can take to begin saving
lives today. The House has taken preliminary steps to address gun violence by passing universal
background checks legislation and now, I urge you to support the Background Check Expansion Act
(S.42) immediately as an initial step towards addressing our nation’s gun violence epidemic.
We have the power to save lives through the passage of this bill. Thank you for consideration of my
views on this issue.

(Your Name, Your PTA Unit)

In this together for ALL children,
Kristina Wilmoth
Vice President & Director of Legislation and Advocacy

JC/DC Action Alert: Humanitarian Crisis at the Border

Right now, there is a humanitarian crisis at our nation’s border affecting children detained in federal immigration facilities. Time is of the essence and we ask that you send a letter to your Members of Congress urging them to conduct appropriate and sustained oversight of these facilities and guarantee that detained children are afforded enhanced protections that meet their needs.

Dear Senator,
As a constituent and PTA member, I am writing to urge you to immediately address the humanitarian crisis at our nation's border. While Congress has appropriated an emergency border aid package, it is urgent that appropriate and sustained Congressional oversight of federal detention facilities holding children is conducted. Additionally, it is vitally important that Congress ensure there are enhanced protections for the children being held in federal custody guaranteeing that they are provided hot meals, drinking water, appropriate nutrition and that their hygiene and sanitation needs are met.

As a PTA member, I believe every child-regardless of their immigration status-has the right of access to adequate food and shelter, basic health care services, and a high-quality public education. Denying these services to children, regardless of their citizenship status, creates serious health and social concerns. A recent Department of Homeland Security Inspector General Report characterized the situation at the southern border as "an acute and worsening crisis" and raises serious concerns about overcrowding and prolonged detention of unaccompanied children and families in some U.S. Customs and Border Protection facilities.  Congress must act immediately to ensure all federal detention facilities comply with federal law and standards required for operation. Federal agencies responsible for migrant detention and processing must adequately protect children and families and judiciously process immigration claims.

I also urge you to take the necessary steps to immediately stop any zero-tolerance policy that may result in harmful separation of undocumented children from their parents or family members. The separation of a child from their parent creates toxic stress and trauma that can have significant harm on a child's brain development. PTA believes family unity is a core principle of society and all children belong with their parents, family members or legal guardian. I urge you to seek the immediate reunification of families presently separated under current enforcement policy.

It is in the national interest to ensure all children, including undocumented children, have the opportunity to reach their full potential and become productive members of society. As a constituent and PTA member, I look forward to hearing what steps you will be taking as a Member of Congress to address the humanitarian crisis at the border affecting children.

Thank you.

Your name and PTA

You can also follow this link to complete a simple form and directly find and contact your Senators and Representatives in Washington DC:
NOTE: Your Senator/Representative may have a character limit for emails submitted through this form. If so, you will be notified that your email is “too long” and you can fix this by deleting a few sentences in the auto-populated email copy provided.

In this together for ALL children,
Kristina Wilmoth
Vice President & Director of Legislation and Advocacy