Message from Our MOPTA President

Hello Missouri PTA Members,

Our 104th Annual State Convention scheduled for May 1-3, 2020 has been canceled as well as the Reflections Student Showcase scheduled for Sunday, May 3.

Delegate registration fees that have been paid will be fully refunded. Payments made by PayPal will be refunded through PayPal. Those individuals, units or councils that paid by check will receive a check from Missouri PTA. Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding while we process these refund payments.

Missouri PTA cannot make any changes in hotel reservations made by delegates. Individuals will need to contact the Hilton Frontenac directly at ph. (314) 824-6015.

Sadly, we are unable to come together as planned to celebrate the talent of our young artists that were recognized at the state level of Reflections this year. Nevertheless, we want to make sure they are aware of how proud we are of their achievements. Plans are being developed regarding the program recognition and awards. We will update you when these details are available. If you have an “outside the box” idea, email !

Being at home right now allows me to work on all those unfinished projects, try some new crafts and clean house. My husband keeps saying, “Stop moving the furniture!” Most of all, it is an opportunity to wear my PTA hat more. Your Board of Managers continues to work hard to serve you while ensuring the safety of their family and their own. We are striving to find ways to navigate the challenges and opportunities before us. We will keep you updated!

Stay healthy PTA Family!

Susan Rupert
Missouri PTA

Reflections Announcement

Missouri PTA is so proud of all of our State Reflections Award recipients! Recognizing the creative efforts of our Missouri students is of the utmost importance and while sadly we have to cancel the State Showcase in May, we are working to display the artwork digitally. We are working on the details of this new experience and will be in contact with local leaders and families as we know more and fine tune some details. Thank you to all of our participating Reflections units and to the award recipients!

Reflections is timeless and enduring and we will overcome the current challenges to bring Arts
Education to the forefront. Stay tuned for details and the announcement of the 2020-2021 theme and