JC/DC Alert: Family Engagement Center Funding

Family Engagement Centers – The newly enacted Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) includes the Statewide Family Engagement Centers (SFEC) program, which provides competitive federal grants to statewide organizations to promote and implement evidenced-based family engagement strategies. If the SFEC program is funded, applications for these competitive grants can be submitted to the U.S. Department of Education by statewide organizations such as non-profits or by groups of statewide organizations that have demonstrated involvement in engaging families in their child’s education and experience working with state-level agencies, communities, organizations and schools on family engagement policies and practices. Unfortunately, neither the House nor Senate included this important line item in their annual budget. It is not to late to have this key item funded but to accomplish our request we need to make our voices heard. PTA is asking Congress to Pass the 2017 Omnibus bill that would fully fund these important centers.  Please take a few moments to send a letter to our members of Congress. You can quickly send your letter by clicking here.


Thank you,

Carla Wiese

VP and Director of Legislation and Advocacy

Is Your Child On Pace for Math Success?

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October 18, 2016
Dear PTA Parent,
The fall semester is picking up speed, so it’s time for a math checkup! Can your child answer our grade-level mental math questions below?
As a parent and PTA member, set your child on the path toward math mastery by presenting them with enrichment opportunities, while raising money for your local school!
MathnasiumTriMathlon.jpgHosted at participating locations Nov. 5 and Nov. 6, Mathnasium’s Annual TriMathlon is a free community math competition for all students in grades 2-5. Kids flex their math muscles in a fun and lively atmosphere where every child wins a prize just for participating—with extra special accolades and prizes for first, second and third place winners!
Plus, Mathnasium will make a $10 financial contribution to community schools and PTAs for every student who participates! 
Learn more about this exciting neighborhood math contest by reading our TriMathlon FAQs.
Whether students are ahead of the curve, performing at grade level, or falling behind, Mathnasium is here to help them reach their math goals. Find your neighborhood math experts to get started!
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Mathnasium is your neighborhood math-only learning and enrichment center. As one of National PTA’s four foundational partners for the STEM initiative, we’re proud to be the “M” in STEM! The Mathnasium Method extends beyond homework help and tutoring. Our students work through personalized learning plans that encourage them to cultivate number sense: a deeply intuitive understanding of how numbers work. As understanding grows and math foundations strengthen, kids approach math and learning with renewed enthusiasm and soaring confidence.
National PTA Headquarters
1250 N. Pitt Street
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Phone: (703) 518-1200
Toll Free: (800) 307-4PTA
Fax: (703) 836-0942
Email: info@PTA.org

Drive Smart Teen Digital Short Contest

The annual Drive Smart Teen Digital Short Contest sponsored by CTIA Wireless Foundation launches today. Students can enter a digital short educating others about the dangers of driving distracted for a chance to earn a $10,000 scholarship!

What: Chance to win a $10,000 scholarship

Who: 13 to 18-year-old U.S. residents [official rules]

How: 30-60 second digital short to educate about the dangers of distracted driving

When: Beginning October 17, 2016 and ending December 19, 2016