Bullying Prevention – Supporting LGBTQ Students

Bullying Prevention:  Supporting LGBTQ Students
When:  Tuesday, Oct. 11
Time:  7 p.m. EDT
shutterstock_304512785.jpgBullying can happen anywhere and to anyone. However, depending on the environment, certain groups—such as LGBTQ students and students who are perceived to be LGBTQ—are at a greater risk of being bullied. Creating a supportive school climate for LGBTQ students improves educational outcomes for all students.
In recognition of National Bullying Prevention Month, please join National PTA and The Human Rights Campaign’s Welcoming Schools Program for an Every Child In Focus Leadership Series webinar.
Attendees will gain an understanding of how to best support LGBTQ students and reduce their risk of being bullied, as well as ways to advocate for all students.
Featured Speakers
  • Laura Bay, National PTA President
  • Johanna Eager, Director of Welcoming Schools at The Human Rights Campaign
About the Every Child in Focus Leadership Series
National PTA’s Every Child in Focus initiative is a campaign to strengthen family engagement in schools by celebrating the achievements and reporting the disparities within diverse populations, and sharing resources and advocacy tools to help understand the needs of every child.
Through its Every Child in Focus Leadership Series, National PTA is hosting a series of virtual events for PTA leaders, educators and family and community engagement professionals to share effective family engagement and community outreach strategies.
National PTA Headquarters
1250 N. Pitt Street
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Phone: (703) 518-1200
Toll Free: (800) 307-4PTA
Fax: (703) 836-0942
E-mail: info@pta.org
Disclosure: This e-newsletter contains sponsored content from third parties. National PTA does not endorse any commercial entity, product or service.
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1250 N. Pitt Street, Alexandria, VA 22314

National PTA Our Children – Establish Good Study Habits, Curb Smartphone Use + More!

PTA Our Children Magazine
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Time Management Tools for Teens
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How to Curb Your Kid’s Smartphone Use
The typical child spends over 7 hours a day looking at a screen—mainly a smartphone—which can affect their social, mental and academic development. It’s important to have a conversation with your child about appropriate smartphone use. We’ve broken down some key areas of smartphone use that should be covered in a kid-friendly smartphone contract.

National PTA Headquarters
1250 N. Pitt Street
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Phone: (703) 518-1200
Toll Free: (800) 307-4PTA
Fax: (703) 836-0942
E-mail: Info@PTA.org
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1250 N. Pitt Street, Alexandria, VA 22314