Membership Cards
Who decides how many cards our unit gets?
Cards are sent to the unit president after they are requested through the Membership Card Request Form.
Can we use membership cards from last year?
Please do not use membership cards from a previous year. The cards are dated and old ones should be destroyed.
How do I get more membership cards?
On the Dues Remittance Form is an area to ask for more membership cards.
Where do I find my unit’s ID number?
Units can find their ID# on the information sheet sent to presidents in the Membership Card mailing or by contacting the state office.
Who should get a membership card?
Every member. A card is only issued to one person and should never list more than one name. It should never be issued to “Mr.& Mrs.” or to the “Jones Family”.
Why should everyone get a membership card?
It is proof of membership. Most organizations provide a membership card. A membership card entitles a member to a ballot in an election. Many PTA units & councils require that scholarship & grant applicants provide a copy of their membership card. PTA members are entitled to benefits of membership provided by PTA. The username and password needed to access a protected portion of the National PTA website are on the back of the membership card and change annually by November 1.
What do I do if a membership card(s) get damaged?
If a mistake occurs with your membership cards due to a misprint, damage by the printer, etc., return the damaged cards to the State PTA office and replacement cards will be sent to you.
Do I give business members a membership card?
Yes, they get one card issued to the name of the business.