Would you like to be a part of the Missouri PTA Team?

Missouri PTA has a variety of positions available. If you are interested in one of the below positions, you can submit a Talent Bank Interest Finder Form by opening the toggle below and submitting through this page, or by downloading this form and emailing it to Missouri PTA.


Talent Bank Interest Finder Form

The Missouri PTA Talent Bank is a file of members who are interested in serving Missouri PTA in various ways. As opportunities arise, MOPTA makes appointments to the Board of Managers. Names entered in the Talent Bank are not guaranteed an appointment; however, this listing does afford an opportunity for consideration for appointment. Therefore, members throughout the state with interest in serving are encouraged to complete this form and submit it to MOPTA. Interested members may be asked to submit letters of recommendations. Missouri PTA bylaws charge the executive committee with appointing all chairmen and members of the regional teams. Prospective members of the State of Board of Managers should support National and Missouri PTA positions and programs. It is helpful to have held an elected office in a council or local unit.
(Descriptions of positions are below this form)

Procedures & Bylaws Chair – Prepares suggested bylaws for units and councils using the “sample set” from National PTA. Notifies units when their bylaws are due for review. Reviews bylaws or amendments submitted by units and councils in a timely manner.

Scholarship Chair – Promotes and provides information on the scholarship program at the state level. Provides information to Missouri high schools to obtain scholarship applications from students who are planning to attend college to obtain their teaching certification or work as a certificated educator in elementary or secondary public schools. Promotes gifts and donations to the scholarship funds.

Legislation & Advocacy 

Advocacy Chair – Promotes and encourages advocacy efforts related to general health, wellness, and safety. Works with outside agencies to connect PTA with education health-related opportunities.

State Legislative Chair – Tracks bills filed in the Missouri General Assembly that relate to PTA’s mission, positions and resolutions, sends out Action Alerts, and testifies before the Missouri General Assembly. Collaborates with units and councils to host Kids First Town Hall events. Reaches out to Missouri Legislators informing them of PTA legislative priorities. Assists with legislative training and the development of materials.


Information Technology – Oversees the website and makes sure all pages are current and material appropriate. Coordinates trains and encourages the entire board to utilize the website and other technology. Promotes the use of technology services to our units/councils.

CONTACT Editor – Formulates, edits and, prepares each CONTACT issue as scheduled. Assigns topics for articles to board of managers for each issue of CONTACT. Solicits outside sources for article submissions.

Public Relations Chair – Develops a plan to publicize Missouri PTA through all media areas, including social media platforms. Develops Press Release templates for use by units and councils for all events.


Membership Growth & Retention Chair – Supports the efforts of unit’s membership efforts by developing membership goals, implementation idea, and promotions. Reaches out to non-PTA areas by developing a membership growth plan and strategies for recruitment.

Diversity Outreach & Engagement Chair – Promotes family engagement and encourages support between the school, community and family. Develops strategies to reach and engage under-represented populations.

Student Involvement Chair – Promote student involvement in Missouri PTA Events. Provide ideas for student involvement in PTA’s and PTSA’s. Maintain a database of topics of current interest to students. Provides information to units wanting to become PTSAs. Develops appropriate training for student delegates at MO PTA sponsored trainings.


Program & Resource Development Chair – Promotes PTA programs among units and councils. Works with outside agencies and communities to provide support for PTA program. Maintains a database of PTA programs.

Student Representative(s) – Promotes student involvement in PTAs and PTSAs and provides units with ways to keep students involved in all things PTA. Promotes ways for students to be involved at all levels of an organization. In conjunction with the Student Involvement Chair, develops training appropriate for student delegates to be held at all MO PTA sponsored trainings.

Reflections Chair – Promotes the Reflections program at the state level.  Serves as a liaison between the local PTA unit and the national PTA Reflections Department. Is responsible for updating the state Reflections information annually, organizing the judging of state Reflections entries and hosting the state Reflections Student Showcase.

Health & Safety Chair – Cooperates with National PTA and health-related agencies to learn about the Health & Safety Programs and grants promoting them units and councils. This position works with the Advocacy Chair supporting legislation relating to physical and mental health education and is chairman of the Health and Safety Award and Student Safety Award.


Field Service 

Regional Director – Proactively interacts with Regional Units and Councils by monthly phone calls, emails, or newsletters. Coordinates the work in the Regions and assists in the organization of new units and councils. Assist with Regional training in areas where there are no Councils and assist Councils with their Schools of Information. Attends Council meetings. Attends Unit meetings as necessary.