Your Name: Steven Cook
MoPTA Board of Managers Position: Vice President & Director of Membership
Involved in Board of Managers Since: 2014 & 2018
What does your position do?
Membership retaining and recruitment.
Unit/Council, Region & Years Involved: Several throughout the state, Gateway, 15
Why are you involved in PTA?
To advocate for ALL children regardless of background, race, socio-economic status, and sexual orientation.
Food/Drink: Water
Season: Spring
Entertainment (Book, Movie, TV, Band, Music): Wonder Woman – TV show & movies, Mariah Carey
Activities/Hobbies: Listening to music, talking to with friends via Zoom.
Quote: See a need, fill a need
More about you:
Describe yourself in 3-5 words: Dependable, honest, likable, hard-working
Healthy Living Tip: Walk, walk, walk
What makes you stand out?: I can talk to anyone and be friends with everyone!
What are you learning this year: To make sure I reach everyone more frequently.
What is a goal you have this year?: To help members see that their voice matters! The more members=bigger voices!
What is a proud accomplishment?: Raising a strong, opinionated, hard-working daughter who fights for all rights for all people.
Something interesting you’ve done this year: Started a new job in the virtual world!