Try one of these successful PTSA programs with your students and families!

PTSA Dances and Mixers

PTSA Family Fun Nights

PTSA School Newsletter

PTSA Game Night

PTSA Intramurals program

PTSA Adopt-a-Family program during the holidays

PTSA Founder’s Day Celebration

PTSA Scholarship for graduating seniors

PTSA DJ at lunch day

PTSA MAP Attack – movie and popcorn rewards for proficient scores

PTSA School Store

PTSA Generation Celebration with Grandparents

PTSA Legislative Issue Awareness Day


PTSA “Principal for a Day” writing contest

PTSA Sports Extravaganza

PTSA Big Kid-Little Kid  buddy program with local elementary or preschool

PTSA Coat/Food/Clothing/Shoe Drive for local charity

PTSA Earth Day

PTSA Safety First or Buckle UP campaign for student drivers

PTSA Science, Reading or Math Night

PTSA Tutoring program

PTSA Website

PTSA Career or College Night

PTSA Talent or Comedy Show

PTSA Homecoming Bonfire and Parade

The list could go on and on. Opportunities for programming are unlimited. Be creative and enjoy the freedom to explore non-traditional avenues for success!

We want to hear about your successful PTSA programs – email Susan.