High School is a lot different compared to elementary and middle school. For parents it’s a whole new ball game – driving, dating, parties, ACT, SAT, college, etc, etc.
Here is some great advice from a high school counselor
What This High School Counselor Wants Parents To Know
Today’s parents are flooded with well-meaning advice, but it’s not always practical or easy to implement. Erin O’Malley, who is the Dean of Student Se…Read the entire article here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ jennifer-breheny-wallace/what- this-high-school-counselor-wan ts-parents-to-know_b_11949674. html
Today’s parents are flooded with well-meaning advice, but it’s not always practical or easy to implement. Erin O’Malley, who is the Dean of Student Se…Read the entire article here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/