Redesigned and New Resources on the ESSA Website.

Today is the day we are publicly promoting the redesign and new resources on the webpage!


We encourage to repost, retweet and share National PTA’s promotion of the page.  We also encourage you to post your own social media messages. Some samples are below:


  • Check out National PTA’s new ESSA roadmaps at! #PTATakesAction
  • How could #ESSA impact your state and local education policies and practices? Find out at! #PTATakesAction
  • I’m leaving #NCLB behind. Are you? Learn more about the new education law and what you can do to make a difference at #PTATakesAction #ESSA
  • Get involved in ESSA implementation! Learn more at
  • Family engagement matters! Make sure parents’ voices are heard in ESSA implementation at


Also, don’t forget to tune in to the CCSSO-PTA joint webinar TODAY at 3pm ET.  Here is the log-in information:


  • Step 1: Please Join WebEx meeting online first. Use this link here.
  • Step 2: After joining the WebEx meeting, dial into the conference at 1-800-768-2983.
  • Step 3: Once you have dialed in, please use the Access Code 541 064 0#.
  • Step 4: After entering the access code, please enter the unique Attendee ID number that appears in the WebEx online. This final step makes sure we can connect the audio with your name.  Please note:  If you have difficulties with step 4, do not worry! You should still be able to participate.


Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you in advance for sharing these new resources!


Jacki Ball | Director, Government Affairs

National PTA®

1250 N. Pitt Street
Alexandria, VA 22314

P: (703) 518-1243 | C: (703) 405-5206 | | @balljacki


Connect with National PTA® on: Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | One-Voice Blog