National PTA Launches Center for Family Engagement

ALEXANDRIA, Va., (March 23, 2018)—National PTA announced today the launch of the Center for Family Engagement, a new initiative to embed transformative family engagement practices, programs and policies across the educational system.

“We know families are essential to children’s success and school improvement efforts. However, traditional family engagement policies and practices do not always meet the needs of each and every family, nor empower them as partners in their child’s success,” said Leslie Boggs, president-elect of National PTA. “As the needs of families change, we must shift the way we think about family engagement. Through our new Center for Family Engagement, we want to move the educational system to the next generation of family engagement by modeling and advocating for more transformative approaches.”

Over the next three years, the Center for Family Engagement will:

  • Raise awareness about transformative family engagement by acting as a clearinghouse of innovative approaches, cutting-edge research and best practices that can be put into action.
  • Influence transformative family engagement decisions and resources by contributing to a national research agenda on how parent voice shapes family engagementpractices, programs and policies.
  • Empower PTAs across the country to be leaders in transformative family engagement efforts through grant and recognition opportunities as well as connections to other leading family engagement organizations.

As part of the launch of the Center for Family Engagement, National PTA also announced today that Ohio PTA, New York State PTA, Minnesota PTA, Tennessee PTA and Oklahoma PTA have been selected to receive a grant through its State PTA Family Engagement Innovation Challenge. With the grant, the state PTAs will identify examples of innovative family engagement practices in their local PTAs and school communities and develop plans to integrate these best practices into statewide efforts and advocacy for family engagement. Among the five PTAs, one will be selected to receive additional funding to implement their plan.

“When it comes to school success, family engagement is just as important as having a great principal and teachers, a strong curriculum and a positive school climate. Transformative family engagement is a key strategy to ensure every child receives a high-quality education and has every opportunity for success,” added President-Elect Boggs. “Family engagement is the foundation of PTA and we are investing in our mission with the Center for Family Engagement.”

For more information about the Center for Family Engagement, visit

About National PTA

National PTA® comprises millions of families, students, teachers, administrators, and business and community leaders devoted to the educational success of children and the promotion of family engagement in schools. PTA is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit association that prides itself on being a powerful voice for all children, a relevant resource for families and communities, and a strong advocate for public education. Membership in PTA is open to anyone who wants to be involved and make a difference for the education, health, and welfare of children and youth. For more information, visit

Media Contact

Heidi May Wilson, National PTA, (703) 518-1242