Welcome to the new 2018-19 school year!
The Missouri PTA Field Service Department has completed our Regional Director (RD) assignments for the 2018-2020 Missouri PTA (MOPTA) term. Each RD will be reaching out to their assigned councils and units to do a quick introduction and to also assure that Elected Officer names and contact information has been submitted to MOPTA. Unit/council officer information is extremely important for us to ensure that everyone is getting valuable up-to-date information, resources and event happenings that will help keep our PTA members informed, engaged and empowered to advocate for all children.
The following individuals will be available to answer any questions or assist your unit/council directly when needed: (all RD’s can be reached through the email of rd@mopta.org)
FOOTHILLS Region (RD position open)
Sarah Day
GATEWAY Region (Two (2) RD positions open)
Pat Higginbotham
Camille Teason
HERITAGE Region (Four (4) RD positions open)
Mary Flatt
MARK TWAIN Region (RD position open)
Carla Wiese
MERAMEC Region (RD position open)
Carla Wiese
OZARK Region (Three (3) RD positions open)
Mandy Mitchell
PONY EXPRESS Region (Three (3) RD positions open)
Tara Miller
Lori Prussman – St. Joseph Council & Units
Susan Rupert
THREE TRAILS Region (Two (2) RD positions open)
Charolette Gantt – Grandview Council & Units, Hickman Mills Council & Units,
Katherine Sartain – Blue Springs Council & Units,
Amy Blakemore – Lee’s Summit Council & Units,
Christine Kent – Independence Council & Units, Belton Council & Units, Raymore-Peculiar Council & Units, Raytown Council & Units
Paula McKinney
If you would, please, share your council/unit calendar with your RD,
we would love to come and visit during a meeting or event to get to know everyone a little more and see what great work you are all doing. We should all be looking for ways to “Toot” our PTA horns about the exciting programs and services that PTA provides.
Thank you everyone for your continued dedication and “volunteer” work that you bring to our PTA mission: To make every child’s reality a potential by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children. And if you ever need me, contact me anytime (day or night), Christine Kent – Missouri PTA VP of Field Services and Proud RD “team” member at fieldservices@mopta.org.