Missouri PTA 2020-2022 Term Officer Nominees

The following individuals have been nominated for office for the 2020-2022 term of Missouri PTA.
President-Elect                                                                        Christine Kent 
Vice-President and Director of Legislation and Advocacy     Paula McKinney 
Vice-President and Director of Membership Services            Steven Cook 
Vice-President and Director of Field Services                        OPEN 
Vice-President and Director of Programs                              Angie Warner 
Vice-President and Director of Communications                   Kristina Wilmoth 
Secretary                                                                                 Stefanie Adair
Treasurer                                                                                 Sarah Day
According to the Missouri PTA bylaws;
Article X Section 1d, “additional nominations may be made from the floor, provided consent has been obtained from the nominee and provided that nominees running from the floor give to the state PTA president thirty (30) days notification before the beginning of the convention of their intent to.”  
Notifications must be emailed to president@mopta.org by midnight April 1, 2020.   
Article IX Section 3 outlines the qualifications for Missouri PTA Officers.  “Any elected or appointed officer must reside in the State of Missouri and be a member of a PTA in that officer’s local school district. If there is no local PTA in the officer’s school district, that officer must be a member of a PTA within the State of Missouri.  To be eligible for the office of president or president-elect a person must have served on the Board of Managers for two (2) terms immediately prior to assuming office.
     a. To be eligible for any other elected office a person must have served on the Board of Managers for one (1) term immediately prior to assuming office.