LEARNING HEROES: Learning Heroes has released their NEW parent/guardian report, Parents 2020: COVID-19 Closures – A Redefining Moment for Students, Parents and Schools. The survey found that despite significant challenges, many parents are engaging deeply in their children’s remote learning and will show up differently next school year. Read the new #Parents2020 report now and share!
NATIONAL PTA FOOD INSECURITY WEBINAR: According to the USDA, 37.2 million people lived in food-insecure households in 2018. Over the last few months, we have seen firsthand how families struggle with food insecurity and hunger. Join National PTA in our four-part Food Insecurity Webinar Series designed to engage with PTAs and parents on food insecurity and empower them by providing tips on how to work to reduce food insecurity within their schools and for their families. Get webinar details and registration information here.
JUNE 1 – SCHOOL OF EXCELLENCE: Enrollment for the 2020-21 School of Excellence program opens on June 1 at PTA.org/Excellence. Encourage your local units to make the commitment to rebuilding in the wake of COVID-19 for an improved family-school partnership and earn recognition for their accomplishments. Encourage and track enrollment using the resources provided on the State Excellence Library at PTA.org/StateExcellenceLibrary , a hidden website designed only for State PTA Excellence Leaders.