Your Name: Stephanie Wade
MoPTA Board of Managers Position: IT Chair
Years Involved in Board of Managers: 2
What does your position do?: I manage the MOPTA website, send out the eblasts, assist with technical questions by other BOM or units, manage the MOPTA technology for the office and all A/V needs for Convention.
Unit/Council, Region & Years Involved: Since 2007. I have been involved on the local council and state level. On the local level, I was bylaws chair, secretary, treasurer and president. On the council level I have served as Membership, Treasurer, Fundraising and President. I now serve in an advisory role as immediate past president. I did technically start on the BOM as a regional director, but there was a need for an IT Chair in the Communications Department, so I was soon appointed to that position, and am serving my second term now.
Why are you involved in PTA?: Why WOULDN’T I be involved in PTA?!? We are the largest children’s advocate organization in the country. I’m not great with contacting legislators on the phone, or even understanding all the legislation or keeping up with things, but my roles in PTA have gained immeasurable knowledge on advocacy, and specifically my role on the BOM allows me to be a bigger part of the advocacy piece by utilizing technology to assist in getting the word out on advocacy issues that affect our kids so we have the chance to affect change.
Food/Drink: street tacos, unsweet tea
Season: Spring/Fall, (haha, cause we have that in the midwest…)
Entertainment (Book, Movie, TV, Band, Music): I love true crime for books, movies and TV. I also love musicals. My favorite music artist has always been Jewel.
Activities/Hobbies: Currently, working on our house! We have been painting, renovating and working on landscaping this year and I am loving every minute of it!
More about you:
Describe yourself in 3-5 words: Organized, home-body, particular, efficient
Healthy Living Tip: Drink water!! LOTS of water!
What makes you stand out?: I’m extremely reliable and a great problem solver.
What are you learning this year?: How to be a better me.
What is a goal you have this year?: Get back on track with improving my health
What is a proud accomplishment?: My husband and I getting to where we are now. :)
Something interesting you’ve done this year?: This year? Nothing so far! Last year, we went to Hawaii!! That was an amazing experience and we can’t wait until we can go back!