Membership Winners 2024

Our membership contest has come to an end! We had four units who met the requirements to be eligible to win one of our custom 8’ tablecloths. Congratulations to Abraham Mallinson Elementary PTA (Independence), Grant Elementary School PTA (Columbia), Pickett Elementary School PTA (St. Joseph) and Sycamore Hills Elementary PTA (Independence)! Thank you all for participating!

Click below to Celebrate!

Membership winners 2024

National PTSD Awareness Month

Traumatic events can happen to us at any age. When children and teens go through traumatic events that lead to PTSD, their reactions may be different from adults. Learn how to recognize PTSD symptoms in your child or teen. Brief information about treatment options is included.

National PTA Statement on School Shootings in Houston and Memphis

National PTA President Anna King and Tennessee PTA President Dwight Hunter issued the following statement on the recent school shootings:

“When our children head off to school, they should feel excited to learn in a safe and welcoming environment. Instead, they fear for their lives. Last week, a 13-year-old boy in Memphis was shot and critically wounded by a classmate, and in Houston, a principal was shot in the back by a former student. Enough is enough. Our schools should be safe havens. These continued acts of gun violence must end.

“As child advocates, it is our responsibility to stand up for our school communities. Elected officials, community leaders, families and educators must work together to prioritize school safety and end gun violence.

“National PTA continues to urge policymakers to prioritize legislation that provides funding to research gun violence, bans assault weapons and enforces universal background checks to prevent those who may endanger public safety from accessing firearms.

“We are also committed to providing resources and support for those coping with the impacts of gun violence. PTA’s Healthy Minds program offers free resources, tools and support for families dealing with grief, loss and other mental health needs. Learn more at”