Is Your Child Ready for the SAT/ACT?

March2Success(1).jpgMake sure your teen is adequately preparing for college entrance exams but aren’t sure where to start.
Check out March2Success, the U.S. Army’s free online tool to help students improve their scores on standardized tests such as state exit exams, SAT, ACT and ASVAB.
The program allows students to pave their own path based on their individual strengths and areas for improvement.

Hitting the Road after High School

Many high school students have no idea what they want to do after they graduate. A new booklet, cowritten by teens for teens, helps young people with disabilities:

  • Explore their post-high school options
  • Make choices that are right for them
  • Find activities they can do now to get ready
  • Access support services to help them succeed

PDF: Career opportunities for teens with disabilities