Membership Card Template Request

To request a fillable PDF to fill and print your own membership cards, please fill out the short form below.

Fillable Business Membership Certificate Request

This service is no longer available.

To request a fillable PDF to fill out for your business members, please fill out the short form below.

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• PTA Surveys click HERE (in MS Word format)

• Membership section of the Tool Kit.  It is also available online in the Tools/Resources Section of this website.

• PTA Membership Quick-Reference Guide.  This is included in the Back-to-School kit from National PTA.  The kit is available online.

• Procedure Book.  This should be passed on to you from your predecessor.  If you didn’t get one, start one now.

• National website:  Check out the latest information & hints about card activation, member benefits and growing your PTA.

• Check out “201 Ways to Increase Your Membership“.

• Search the Internet:  PTA Membership, PTA Membership Campaigns, PTA Membership Ideas, etc.; Look at other State or unit PTA Websites and Newsletters on-line

• CONTACT:  This is a state magazine publication that is online under the PTA Members Section of this website