National PTA Releases Two NEW ESSA Resources and Social Media Toolkit

PTA Leaders,

We are pleased to share with you two new resources on local implementation of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).  These two documents will live on our webpage. We hope you find them useful!

ESSA provides a unique opportunity for parents and families to give input on their children’s educational experience, and strengthen parent are family engagement.  As school districts and schools implement this new federal education law to improve outcomes for every student, National PTA believes parents should have a seat at the table when decisions are made—and districts and schools should work with parents and families as partners throughout the school year.

The first document, The Parent and Family Guide to Local Implementation of ESSA explains what to expect as the law is implemented in your community. The second one, What to Ask Your District and School Leaders About ESSAprovides questions to ask your district and school leaders as you take your seat at the table as an essential partner in education.

Additionally, we have created a social media toolkit for you to use to help promote these two resources throughout your networks. National PTA will be promoting these two new resources over the next few weeks and we greatly appreciate you sharing these as well and retweeting and reposting National PTA’s social.

You are find the direct links here:

The Parent and Family Guide to Local Implementation of ESSA

What to Ask Your District and School Leaders About ESSA

Thank you for your continued advocacy!

Jacki Ball | Director, Government Affairs
National PTA®
1250 N. Pitt Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
P: (703) 518-1243 | C: (703) 405-5206 | | @balljacki