HB 1568 defines “restraint” and “seclusion” and requires school districts to include a policy of prohibition on the use of restraint or seclusion for any purpose other than the health and safety of students, teachers, and staff members.

PTA believes all students need to be educated in environments which are supportive and free from abuse, assault, injury, trauma and risk to life.  We promote the prevention of the use of inappropriate restraint and seclusion methods by untrained school personnel and believe the use of seclusion must include constant direct monitoring of the welfare of the student, including the ability for immediate intervention.  Facilities used for seclusion must allow self-egress in case of emergencies, must comply with life safety codes for confinement, and must be designed to keep children safe.

Missouri PTA and its constituent associations support legislation, regulations, policies, and programs that emphasize the use of positive or non-aversive interventions thereby limiting the use of restraint and seclusion on students and believe that the use of restraint and seclusion practices should only be used as a last resort in emergency situations, not as a substitute for comprehensive school-wide supports and accommodations.

Missouri PTA is monitoring HB 1568 as it was “continued” this week and expected to be on the floor soon.  Now is the time to contact members of the Elementary and Secondary Education Committee and tell them you support legislation that educates our students in a safe and supportive environment.  Social media is another tool MOPTA advocates can utilize. Below, you will find example tweets/social media posts with the appropriate tagging information for the Elementary and Secondary Education Committee members.  

Missouri PTA encourages our SEPTA’s, Units, Councils, and membership to join us as we follow this House Bill process.  


In this together for ALL children,

Kristina Wilmoth

Vice President & Director of Legislation and Advocacy



Social Media Example:

I support legislation that educates Missouri children in a safe and supportive environment. I support #HB1568!  #MOPTAAdvocates @MissouriPTA 

Representatives on the Elementary and Secondary Education Committee are important to this bill.  You can tag the committee in social media posts using the following handles or links:

Representative Chuck Basye @ChuckBasye47 Facebook or  @ChuckBasye47 Twitter
Representative Dottie Bailey @DottieBaliey4Mo Facebook or @repDottieB4Mo Twitter
Representative Judy Morgan Facebook or @JudyM691 Twitter
Representative Ben Baker Facebook or @BenBakerMO Twitter
Representative Gretchen Bangert Facebook or @gretchenbangert Twitter
Representative Paula Brown Facebook or @MoRepPaulaBrown Twitter
Representative Phil Christofanelli @Phil4Mo Facebook or @PhilChristo Twitter
Representative Shamed Dogan @dogan4staterep Facebook or @dogan4rep Twitter
Representative Karla Eslinger Email only
Representative Michael O’Donnell @Odonnellformissouri Facebook
Representative Raychel Proudie @voteproud73 Facebook or @RCProudie Twitter
Representative Nick Schroer @SchroerMO Facebook or @nickbschroer Twitter
Representative Dan Stacy @DanStacy4Liberty Facebook or @repdanstacy Twitter