We are experiencing unprecedented numbers of acts of gun violence in our communities all over this
country. According to the CDC, firearms are the second leading cause of death for American children
and teens and the first leading cause of death for Black children and teens. Given PTA’s history of
advocacy for the safety of children and youth, National PTA and Missouri PTA support federal efforts to
protect children and youth from gun violence. We also advocate for restricting access to guns from
persons who may endanger public safety. Missouri PTA is asking you to take action and alert your
senators to co-sponsor S.42-Background Check Expansion. There are 41 cosponsors-none of which are
from Missouri.
You can use the letter below for your direct communication with your senator, or go to
https://www.pta.org/home/advocacy/take-action to utilize an auto-populated form that will contact
your Senators with a message. (You can use this letter in place of the auto-populated letter in the form.)
Dear Senator,
Gun violence continues to plague our nation. With every new report of a tragic attack, I become more
concerned about my community and my child’s safety. As a parent and PTA member, I support sensible
solutions to end gun violence through measures such as universal background checks. I urge you to
immediately support the Background Check Expansion Act (S.42) to address this national crisis.
Firearms are the second leading cause of death for American children and teens and the first leading
cause of death for Black children and teens. Given PTA’s history of advocacy for the safety of children
and youth, National PTA and Missouri PTA support federal efforts to protect children and youth from
gun violence. We also advocate for restricting access to guns from persons who may endanger public
Universal background checks for all firearm sales is a concrete step the Senate can take to begin saving
lives today. The House has taken preliminary steps to address gun violence by passing universal
background checks legislation and now, I urge you to support the Background Check Expansion Act
(S.42) immediately as an initial step towards addressing our nation’s gun violence epidemic.
We have the power to save lives through the passage of this bill. Thank you for consideration of my
views on this issue.
(Your Name, Your PTA Unit)
In this together for ALL children,
Kristina Wilmoth
Vice President & Director of Legislation and Advocacy