PTA Leaders,
As you may know, today is the confirmation hearing of U.S. Secretary of Education designee, Betsy DeVos. While National PTA does not endorse or oppose presidential nominees, we do have concerns regarding several positions Ms. DeVos has taken. As such, National PTA has carefully reviewed and discussed opportunities to express our concerns without taking a position on the nominee herself. At the bottom of this post are three letters National PTA has signed onto. They are publicly available on our website.
We look forward to hearing from Ms. DeVos during her confirmation hearing today on many important issues affecting children, families, their education and well-being, including her vision for how family engagement can be elevated and integrated into existing programs and prioritized in new initiatives.
Ms. DeVos’ hearing will be today, Tuesday, January 17th starting at 5pm ET. You can watch the hearing via livestream here. C-SPAN will also be airing the hearing. Check your local TV listings for the C-SPAN channel in your area.
Thank you,
Jacki Ball | Director, Government Affairs
National PTA®
1250 N. Pitt Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
P: (703) 518-1243 | C: (703) 405-5206 | | @balljacki
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