We Need Your Help to Defeat a Harmful Voucher Proposal

You are receiving this email because you are from a state with one or more Republican members of Congress on the House Armed Services Committee (HASC).  We urge your state PTA to participate in a social media day of action on May 2 to let these members of Congress know about the dangers of a voucher proposal that has been gaining support in recent weeks.

The Military Education Savings Account Act (H.R. 5199/S. 2517) is a bill that would divert funding from Impact Aid, a program that gives federal assistance to military schools located on federally impacted land, into a voucher program.  This bill is currently being considered in the House Armed Services Committee.  A vote on the bill is expected to take place in the coming weeks and we need your help to amplify the issues with this bill prior to a vote.

We urge your state PTA to get involved in the effort to defeat this bill by participating in a national social media day of action on Wednesday, May 2.  The goal of this day of action is to bring lawmakers ‘s attention to the dangers of the Military Education Savings Account Act.  To participate, tweet the following from your State PTA’s twitter account:

  • @RepHartzler @RepSamGraves We urge you to oppose HR 5199, a bill that would use Impact Aid to fund private school vouchers & undermine military students’ educational opportunities #SupportMilFamilies #NoVouchers

Please be sure to tag the member or members of Congress from your state who are on the House Armed Services Committee in this tweet.  You can find a full list of these members and their twitter handles in the attached Excel spreadsheet.  These tweets are directed towards key members of Congress who are on the House Armed Services Committee, the committee that is considering this bill.

If you are unable to post this tweet on May 2, please try to tweet it out sometime this week or early next week if possible.  Please let me know if you have any questions or need any additional information.

Thank you,

Hannah Engle | Government Affairs Coordinator
National PTA®
Office: (703) 518-1262 | Cell: (301) 910-4637
hengle@pta.org | www.pta.org