Regional Director – Virginia Pennington

Your Name:  Virginia Pennington

MoPTA Board of Managers Position:  Regional Director

Involved in Board of Managers Since:  2020

What does your position do?:  Assists local units and councils

Unit/Council, Region & Years Involved:  Southwood Elementary, Raytown South Middle, Raytown Council, Three Trails Region

Why are you involved in PTA?:  Because I believe in Public Education and desire the best education for my children and all children and the best way to make that happen is to be an advocate and PTA provides a way to do that.


Food/Drink:  Cheesecake, Dr. Pepper

Season:  Fall

Entertainment (Book, Movie, TV, Band, Music) Book: All the NCIS shows, All the Chicago Shows, Contemporary Christian Music, Chronicles of Narnia and Lord of the Rings, Anything Star Trek or Star Wars

Activities/Hobbies:  Board Games/Puzzles, Reading

Quote:  Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot nothing’s going to get better it’s not – Dr. Seuss

More about you:

Describe yourself in 3-5 words:  Leader, Trustworthy, Dependable, Organized

Healthy Living Tip:  Stay active in whatever way you can

What makes you stand out?:  I am extremely organized and detailed and have a great ability to streamline processes and make them more efficient

What are you learning this year?:  The importance of being intentional in connecting with people and finding new ways to do that

What is a goal you have this year?:  Be more active

What is a proud accomplishment?:  I have been working hard in my job to streamline some processes and I am happy with the progress so far.