LifeChanger of the Year is a national program that recognizes and rewards K-12 educators who are making a difference in the lives of students and in their communities. The program is open to teachers and K-12 school employees nationwide. Nominating someone is easy to do. Nominees are given the opportunity to be considered for one of 17 cash awards which will be shared between the nominee and the nominee’s school or district. Top award is $10,000 split 50/50, fifteen people get $3,000 or more split 50/50. This year’s special award category, $5,000 split 50/50, is school counselors.
LifeChanger of the Year nomination form
LifeChanger of the Year is a program funded and run by National Life Group and the National Life Group Foundation. Missouri NEA cannot answer any questions. For questions, go to the FAQ section at
Ann Jarrett
Missouri NEA Teaching and Learning Director
[email protected]
Direct phone: 573-644-9625, or 800-392-0236 ext. 625
Mailing address: 1810 E. Elm St., Jefferson City, MO 65101
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Missouri National Education Association
1810 E Elm Street
Jefferson City, MO 65101