***JC/DC ACTION ALERT: Parents’ Bill of Rights Act of 2023 ***

Missouri PTA needs you to contact your Senators now and ask them to OPPOSE this tactic to change the feel of community schools.

Missouri PTA is opposed to Senate Bill 4 This bill would put more pressure on our already strained educators and ultimately have a detrimental effect on Missouri’s children.

Missouri PTA advocates for all children and for the improvement of public education. While we fully support parents’ rights, this bill is an attempt to undermine public education.

Missouri PTA advocates are called upon to ensure your Senator understands that you are paying attention and that this issue is important to you!

ACTION NEEDED: PLEASE CALL OR E-MAIL and urge your State Senator to oppose SB4.

MOPTA Advocates are invited to utilize the letter below to guide your calls, emails, and social media contact with your lawmaker(s).

Dear Senator,

Missouri PTA opposes bills that essentially ban curriculum and education around diversity, equity, and inclusion.  All students benefit from the ability to critically reflect upon our nation’s history.  Parents do have a right to know what their kids are learning in the classroom, but most public school handbooks already allow for parents to review and choose to have their student participate or not in any curriculum. 

Giving parents the opportunity to enter a classroom at any time unannounced threatens the stability and safety in the classroom and school.  Parents entering classrooms without notice would provide a disruption to students and teachers, and extra parents in the school would necessitate more security and screenings.  If a parent became disruptive and upset, would it be up to the teacher to deescalate the situation and protect themselves and their students?  

Missouri PTA supports measures that ensure the privacy of our student data. Student data should never be given to outside organizations or groups. A minor is unable to give legal consent for sharing data. School districts and organizations should take necessary protections to protect students’ privacy.

This bill would put more pressure on our already strained educators and ultimately have a detrimental effect on Missouri’s children.


Your Name and PTA


Not sure how to contact your Senator? Click Here and enter your street address or zip code. 

Paula McKinney
Vice President of Legislation and Advocacy
Missouri PTA
