JCDC Action Alert: Urgent Action Needed – HB 543

We OPPOSE Open Enrollment Legislation

HB 543 Brad Pollitt

Missouri PTA is opposed to bills that would establish an open enrollment program in Missouri. While the bill allows districts to decide whether they want to participate in the open enrollment program, it should be known that nothing in the bill precludes a student from leaving their resident district. To be clear, if District A decides not to participate in the open enrollment program, that does not mean that a student from District A cannot leave to attend another public school, District B, that is accepting students under the open enrollment program. Thus, every school district can be impacted by this bill.
Missouri PTA is opposed to open enrollment legislation for the following reasons:
1) House Bill 543 will lead to school consolidation.
2) Funding Concerns.
3) Less Money in the Classroom.
4) Financial Planning Nightmare.
5) Special Education Concerns.
6) Transportation Concerns.
7) Voluntary Status.
8) Call on the Formula

Time sensitive action needed! Please Tell your Senator to vote NO on Open Enrollment Legislation

Dear Official,
I urge you to vote “NO” on Open Enrollment Legislation. I reside in your district and understand that HB 543 filed by Rep. Pollitt was heard in the Senate Education Committee last week and is expected to be voted out this week.

A number of education groups in Missouri are opposed to open enrollment legislation for good reason. Here are just a few:

school consolidation
funding concerns
less money in the classroom
financial planning nightmare for districts
special education concerns
transportation concerns

Please vote “NO” on open enrollment legislation.

Your name and PTA

Not sure how to contact your state legislators? Click here and insert your street address or 9-digit zip code.

Paula McKinney
Missouri PTA
Vice President & Director of Legislation and Advocacy