
What are bylaws?

The bylaws are your PTA’s most important document containing the specific rules for governing the organization.  They are adopted and amended by a vote of your unit’s members at a general meeting.  If you cannot find a copy of your unit’s bylaws, contact your regional director , the Missouri PTA state procedures and bylaws chairperson, or the state office.  You need to have a copy handy.

What is in the bylaws? 

Bylaws contain the most important things you need to know:  the name of the association, purpose of the organization, basic policies, qualifications for membership, and rules for officers, executive board, meetings, committees, and running the PTA.  If you cannot find an answer in your bylaws, you should refer to Roberts Rules of Order.

How are changes made in the bylaws?

To consider changes to the bylaws, a small committee should be appointed to study the proposed changes and to make recommendations to the board for their preliminary approval.  Then previous notice, as listed in the unit bylaws, of the proposed changes must be given to all members.  A bylaws change requires a two-thirds vote of the members present at the general meeting; a quorum must be present.

Who should have copies of the bylaws?

The entire Board should have a copy of your current bylaws.  Upon request, copies should be made available to all members.

PTA Basics

What is the mission of PTA?

PTA’s mission is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering family and community to advocate for all children.  The Mission Statement and other resources are available in foreign languages on the National PTA website:

What is the PTA logo and tagline?

Information on usage of the PTA logo is available at this link:

In order to create a stronger unity among constituent PTA units nationwide, National PTA adopted the tagline “everychild.onevoice.”  This tagline should be used by all PTAs as frequently as possible on all materials such as newsletters, flyers, programs, and correspondence.  Refer to the National PTA website or PTA Quick Reference Guides for instructions on how to customize the logo for your local PTA.  Contact the state office if you have difficulty customizing it for your unit.  Your PTA may opt to use an additional theme of your own in addition to the logo and tagline; that is up to you.

What is a local unit identification number?  How can I find out what our number is?

National PTA assigns a local unit ID number when a unit is chartered.  This number is used for record keeping purposes by the state and National PTA.  If you cannot find your local unit ID number, contact your regional director or the state office.

What is the difference between region, council and local unit PTAs?

A local unit is a self-governing PTA unit that plans programs and activities to meet the needs of children and their specific school community.

A council is a group of three or more local unit PTAs organized by the state PTA for the purposes of training and coordination of the efforts of local PTAs.  Your PTA may or may not be part of a council; it will depend on where you are located.

A region is a geographic division of the state PTA established to ensure close contact between local units/councils, Missouri PTA and National PTA.  In Missouri, there are eight regions.

Why do we have a regional director?

The regional directors give each local unit and council a personal contact within the geographic area for individual guidance.  Every PTA council and every local unit is assigned a specific regional director.  These directors receive training from Missouri PTA, serve on its Board of Managers and provide information and guidance of a non-interfering nature.

Who can attend the Missouri PTA Annual Convention in the spring?

Any member is welcome to register.  Outgoing and incoming officers, as well as school administrators, are encouraged to be part of this annual meeting by attending the general sessions, workshops, and celebratory events throughout the weekend.  Registration forms are mailed to presidents and posted on the website in January or early February.  Each PTA will be allowed a limited number of voting delegates based upon their previous year’s membership total.

I am a member unit of a council, who should attend those meetings, and how do I find out when they are held?

The council delegate(s) are the people chosen by the local unit to represent the unit at council meetings.  The vital role of the council delegate is to maintain a close link between the local unit, the council, State and National PTA.  The selection of council delegates (and their term of office) is determined by the bylaws of the member unit.  The specific number of delegates from each member unit is specified in the bylaws of the council (council bylaws may also require that unit delegations include the president and/or school principal/designee).  While council meetings are open to all members of its member units, only delegates (as stated in the council bylaws are allowed to participate in voting).  You need to contact the current and/or outgoing council president to find out when the council meetings are held.