Parents for Healthy Kids School Grant Opportunity
Here is a wonderful opportunity for local units in your state – $1,000 grant for local units K-12!! Also, a chance to win one of five ALDI gift cards for $100.
PTAs in your state may apply for a school grant to create a healthier learning environment through nutrition and physical activity initiatives. Here are more details:
– Grants up to $1,000 are available for K-12 schools
– Schools with greater than 50% of students eligible for free/reduced-priced meals may receive priority, but all schools are encouraged to apply
– The application deadline is Friday, April 13th.
– More details and the application can be found at:
On the Parents for Healthy Kids website, they have a webinar recording to help folks fill out the grant application.
Please promote this opportunity for your local units to apply!!
Here are a Facebook post and a tweet you may use to promote this opportunity:
– Calling all parents and families: Do you want to make your child’s school a healthier learning environment? Apply now for a Parents for Healthy Kids grant through @Action for Healthy Kids to bring nutrition and physical activity programs to your child’s school. Applications are due by April 13. Get more information at
– Parents & families: Want to make your child’s school a healthier learning environment? Apply for a Parents for Healthy Kids grant through @Act4HlthyKids to bring nutrition & physical activity programs to their school. Learn more & apply by April 13 at
Questions? Contact
Mary Jo Neil | National Service Representative
C 301.919.8839 |
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