New ESSA Resource

PTA Leaders:

We are pleased to share with you this new PTA ESSA stakeholder engagement resource – “6 Keys to Engaging Families in ESSA” and the accompanying rubric, “ESSA Family Engagement Rubric.”  Over the last year, we have heard from many of you about the need and importance of stakeholder engagement in the development of new education plans under ESSA.  Based on your experiences and input, we have identified six critical ways states, school districts and schools should be engaging parents and families as part of ESSA or any new education initiative.

This resource is for education leaders to use to evaluate how they are engaging parents and family on ESSA implementation and for parents and families to hold decision-makers accountable to the family engagement requirements in ESSA.

You will be able to  access the document at on Monday, June 26.  National PTA will be pushing this resource out via our communications channels this week.  We hope you will help us spread the message as well!

If you print the document from your computer, we suggest you use 11X17 paper.  The document can be printed on 8 ½ x 11 but the font will be small.

Here are some sample social media posts and a short blurb that you can use in electronic communications to highlight the resource:


  • There are 6 keys to engaging families in #ESSA or any new ED initiative. How is your state/district/school doing?
  • DYK there are 6 keys to engaging families in #ESSA? Make sure your education leaders do all 6! #PTATakesAction
  • ICYMI there are 6 keys to engaging families in #ESSA. How is your state & school district ensuring voices are heard?

Facebook Post: National PTA has identified six critical ways states, school districts and schools should be engaging parents and families as part of ESSA or any new education initiative. Use the rubric on the back to evaluate how your state, school district and school are doing! 6 Keys to Engaging Families in ESSA

E-Newsletter Blurb:

New Resource: 6 Keys to Engaging Families in ESSA

Parents and their children are the consumers of our nation’s public education system, and parents have always been essential partners in education. However, they haven’t always been included at the decision-making table. The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) provides a unique opportunity for parents and families to give their input and to hold states and districts accountable for their children’s educational experience.

National PTA has identified six critical ways states, school districts and schools should be engaging parents and families as part of ESSA or any new education initiative. Use the rubric on the back to evaluate how your state, school district and school are doing!

6 Keys to Engaging Families in ESSA

Please let us know if you have any questions!

Thank you in advance for sharing this resource throughout your networks!


Jacki Ball | Director, Government Affairs

National PTA®

1250 N. Pitt Street
Alexandria, VA 22314

P: (703) 518-1243 | C: (703) 405-5206 | | @balljacki

Connect with National PTA® on: Twitter | Facebook | YouTube | One-Voice Blog