National PTA Announces the #ThankATeacher Contest to Celebrate Educators Nationwide

ALEXANDRIA, Va., (April 3, 2017)National PTA today announced the #ThankATeacher Contest, in which over $20,000 in prizes will be awarded to teachers across the country during Teacher Appreciation Week. The contest is now open and all schools and PTAs are encouraged to participate.

“Teachers deliver so much to our students every day, and their work and impact extends far beyond the boundaries of the classroom,” said Laura Bay, president of National PTA. “Teacher Appreciation Week is the one week of the school year when teachers take center stage and are recognized for their impact on the lives and futures of students. We are thrilled to deliver our gratitude to teachers in a big way through the #ThankATeacher Contest.”

The #ThankATeacher Contest encourages PTAs to share on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram examples of how teachers deliver for the students in their school using #ThankATeacher. Two grand prize winners will be selected to each receive a Google Express shopping spree worth up to $4,500 to help spruce up their school’s teachers’ lounges. Four first place winners will receive either a snack or wellness delivery worth up to $2,500 each to help stock up their teachers’ break rooms. All winners, including 25 runner up winners, will receive a Google Home for their school.

“We are proud to partner with National PTA in celebrating and honoring our educators during Teacher Appreciation Week,” says Brian Elliott, general manager of Google Express. “Teachers play a pivotal role in shaping the future of our children, and we’re delighted to support them as a way of giving thanks.” Google Express is a shopping service that connects shoppers with big brand retailers for fast, convenient delivery of household items, groceries, school supplies and more.

Three PTAs will also be awarded a special visit to their school from an author or “I Can Read” costumed book character as well as an “I Can Read” book set from Harper Collins. Ten additional PTAs also will receive an “I Can Read” book set for their school. The contest runs through April 17, 2017, and the winners will be announced during Teacher Appreciation Week.

“Teachers make a profound difference in the well-being and long-term success of children. It is vital that they have our support, and that we give back to them,” said Nathan R. Monell, CAE, executive director of National PTA. “We are grateful to our sponsors Google Express and Harper Collins for helping us support and give back to teachers. We encourage everyone to join us in celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week and thanking the teachers in their lives.”

National PTA has also created a Teacher Appreciation Week toolkit for schools, PTAs and families, which features:

 National PTA has celebrated Teacher Appreciation Week since 1984. For more information about Teacher Appreciation Week and the #ThankATeacher Contest, visit

About National PTA

National PTA® comprises millions of families, students, teachers, administrators, and business and community leaders devoted to the educational success of children and the promotion of family engagement in schools. PTA is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit association that prides itself on being a powerful voice for all children, a relevant resource for families and communities, and a strong advocate for public education. Membership in PTA is open to anyone who wants to be involved and make a difference for the education, health, and welfare of children and youth.

Media Contact

Heidi May Wilson, National PTA

#ThankATeacher and WIN! ? ?

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Enter National PTA’s #ThankATeacher Contest! 
National PTA’s Teacher Appreciation week is just around the corner, and this year, we are thrilled to deliver our thanks and gratitude to teachers in a BIG way.
During April 3-17, enter the #ThankATeacher Contest and WIN up to $4,500 in products and other prizes. It’s easy to do!
1.  Post a photo or video on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram on how teachers deliver for the students in your school and use #ThankATeacher.
2. Fill out our entry form at
Thanks to the generous support of our sponsors Google Express and Harper Collins, we will award over $20,000 in prizes for teachers across the country during Teacher Appreciation Week.
Go to for more info, including a list of prizes and contest rules. Remember to enter the contest by April 17!
Want to keep saying “thank you” to the teachers in your life? We also created a Teacher Appreciation Week Toolkit for schools, PTAs and families, which features:
Thank you for joining us as we celebrate our incredible teachers!
National PTA Headquarters
1250 N. Pitt Street
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Phone: (703) 518-1200
Toll Free: (800) 307-4782
Fax: (703) 836-0942

1250 N. Pitt Street, Alexandria, VA 22314

JC/DC ACTION ALERT: Human Trafficking Posters

** PLACED ON CALENDAR FOR FULL SENATE VOTE** Please contact your Senators now!

SB 68 would require the Department of Public Safety to create a poster by January 1, 2018, that provides information regarding the national human trafficking resource center hotline.

National PTA had adopted the following Position Statement on Child Trafficking in 2009:

Whereas, Children are potential victims of both commercial and sexual abuse by traffickers due to lack of education, gender disparity, inequality, violence, corruption, poverty, lack of employment opportunities,  demand for cheap labor and services and an expanding globalized sex industry; and

Whereas, UNICEF estimates that globally, 1.2 million children are trafficked each year within countries, as well as across borders including the United States; and

Whereas, At least 200,000 or more children may be victims of domestic trafficking within the United States, leaving no state is immune from trafficking; and

Whereas, The majority of child trafficking cases go unreported due to the highly clandestine nature of the crime; policies and practices encouraging civil participation and cooperation in the prosecution of traffickers must be developed and enforced; and

Whereas, It is also important that police, prosecutors and courts punish traffickers within a system that is quick and respects and safeguards the rights of the victims to privacy, dignity, and safety; and

Whereas, The Federal Trafficking Victims Protection Act and existing state anti-trafficking statutes need improvement to fully protect and support the child victims of trafficking and approximately 25% of states have no anti-trafficking laws at all; and therefore be it

Resolved, That National PTA and its constituent organizations support the adoption and enforcement of laws that will deter the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, or receipt of children for the purpose of exploitation; and be it further

Resolved, That National PTA and its constituent organizations advocate for the protection of rights of victims and support efforts to provide measures for the physical, psychological, and social recovery of victims of child trafficking; and be it further

Resolved, That National PTA and its constituent organizations encourage and call for members, policy makers in government, inter-governmental bodies and non-governmental, school and community organizations to raise awareness and to address those conditions and situations that contribute to child trafficking.

Missouri PTA encourages you to send emails to your Senators but also to directly call their office and let them know your feelings on this bill.

Dear Senators,

Human Trafficking has become an epidemic across the United States. I encourage you to vote yes to SB 68 that would require the Department of Public Safety to create posters providing information regarding the national human trafficking resource center hotline. These posters could safe countless victims from this practice.

UNICEF estimates that globally, 1.2 million children are trafficked each year within countries, as well as across borders including the United States. At least 200,000 or more children may be victims of domestic trafficking within the United States, leaving no state is immune from trafficking. The majority of child trafficking cases go unreported due to the highly clandestine nature of the crime; policies and practices encouraging civil participation and cooperation in the prosecution of traffickers must be developed and enforced. Missouri PTA is committed to protecting our children and families from this practice. Help protect our most vulnerable citizens by voting g YES to SB68.


(Your name and PTA)

Not sure how to contact your state legislators? Click here and insert your street address or 9-digit zip code.

Carla Wiese

Vice President & Director of Legislation and Advocacy