DeVos HELP Confirmation Vote Tomorrow 1/31

PTA Leaders,


As you may know, tomorrow January 31, 2017 the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee is scheduled to vote on the nomination of U.S Secretary of Education-designee Betsy DeVos.  The Committee is holding an executive session beginning at 10:00am ET and Ms. DeVos’ nomination is on the agenda for consideration.  You can watch the committee meeting via livestream.


Additionally, I would like to share with you the statements and letters National PTA has either issued or signed onto:



Thank you!



Jacki Ball | Director, Government Affairs

National PTA®

1250 N. Pitt Street
Alexandria, VA 22314

P: (703) 518-1243 | C: (703) 405-5206 @balljacki