Is Your School Prepared for National Reading Month?
Let Us Help You Plan an Unforgettable Family Reading Experience!
When families read together, they spark their imaginations, learn important lessons, start difficult conversations and make memories that last forever. National PTA and Kindle believe that family involvement is key to developing students who enjoy reading. That is why both groups are working together to engage families in reading through the PTA Family Reading Experience, a fun family literacy event hosted in schools nationwide.
Watch this slideshow and use the checklist below to help you plan your own event!

- Choose a date and time that will allow the largest number of families to participate. Reserve an open space or a few classrooms for hosting reading stations. Coordinate with your school administrator to avoid conflicts with other activities.
- Pick a theme, prepare reading station activities and print out take-home tips for parents. You can find options for these ready-made for you at PTA.org/Reading.
- Recruit six reading leaders to facilitate station activities. Prepare each leader by sharing station instructions and reviewing your event schedule ahead of time. Be sure each station leader understands the importance of families participating in the activities with their children!
- Invite your whole school community to attend! Send home an invitation using our templates atPTA.org/Reading.
National PTA Headquarters
1250 N. Pitt Street
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Phone: (703) 518-1200
Toll Free: (800) 307-4782
Fax: (703) 836-0942
Disclosure: This e-blast contains some sponsored content from third parties. National PTA does not endorse any commercial entity, product or service.
1250 N. Pitt Street, Alexandria, VA 22314