Day: 9 Jan 2017
National PTA Statement on Secretary of Education Confirmation Hearing
National PTA Statement on Secretary of Education Confirmation Hearing
Alexandria, Va. (Jan. 4, 2017)—The following statement can be attributed to National PTA President Laura Bay:
“Today, the Senate announced the confirmation hearing for Betsy DeVos on Jan. 11, 2017. We respect the confirmation process and pending her confirmation, we stand ready to work with Ms. DeVos to ensure that the priorities of National PTA are included in the new administration’s education agenda.
“Our association remains steadfast in our approach of putting the needs of all children first by advocating for high-quality public education. National PTA supports public education as the major vehicle for preserving the basic values of a democratic system of government. This system must be strengthened with the support of adequate funding, and continue to be governed by public officials. We oppose any private school choice system—vouchers, tax credits or deductions—that would divert public school resources.
“National PTA supports high academic standards for all students and advocates to maintain, strengthen and implement state-designed college and career ready standards. These standards should have aligned curriculum and assessments to support academic achievement and college and workplace readiness. Furthermore, our association seeks to expand access to high-quality early education, improve child nutrition programs, provide access to technology in schools, ensure safe environments in and outside of school, and increase federal investments in education.
“For 120 years, National PTA has been a leading voice in the pursuit of putting children first in policy decisions at the federal and local level. We have worked closely with every administration throughout our long history. Our association looks forward to working with the incoming administration, the Department of Education, advocates and policymakers to provide all children with high-quality educational opportunities and to promote their well-being.
For more information about National PTA’s position statements, visit
About National PTA
National PTA® comprises millions of families, students, teachers, administrators, and business and community leaders devoted to the educational success of children and the promotion of parent involvement in schools. PTA is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit association that prides itself on being a powerful voice for all children, a relevant resource for families and communities, and a strong advocate for public education. Membership in PTA is open to anyone who wants to be involved and make a difference for the education, health and welfare of children and youth.
LaWanda Toney | Director of Strategic Communications
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National PTA
1250 N. Pitt Street
Alexandria, VA 22314