National PTA: PTA Exclusives

Start a GoFundMe for Your Classroom
shutterstock_309326726.jpgHappy Back-to-School season! This past Teacher Appreciation Week, GoFundMe partnered with National PTA on a #thankateacher campaign that raised over $1 million for teachers and classrooms!
We’re doing the same thing for Back-to-School, giving communities across the country the chance to rally around their children and make every classroom a great place to learn and grow.
Start an education campaign by Sept. 16 and GoFundMe will chip in $50 and put you in the running for a $10,000 classroom prize.
It takes a village, so we encourage you to start campaigns for teachers and classrooms that you love—and ask friends, neighbors and other parents to do the same.
Thanks for all you do, this school year and every year!
The GoFundMe Team
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Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Phone: (703) 518-1200
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