Membership recruiting is a year-round activity.
Continually ask individuals to join! MISSOURI PTA has put together a membership development calendar to guide your year-round efforts!
- Consider attending the National PTA Convention. It will provide you with valuable information and training to successfully meet your goals.
- Obtain membership procedure book and resources from previous chair. If there isn’t one, start one!
- Read your unit’s bylaws regarding membership.
- Meet with your membership committee and president to adopt a membership theme and plan the campaign.
- Review your MOPTA Tool Kit for a listing of program resources and promotion ideas.
- Plan “Kick Off” activities for the campaign and PTA Membership Month (September).
- Meet with principal to obtain permission and support for membership activities.
- Consider creating a “Top 10 Reasons to Join ______ PTA” sheet listing reasons to support PTA along with your unit’s accomplishments and the State and National PTA’s accomplishments to include with your PTA sign-up form and have available on your membership table. You could use this as an article in your newsletter.
- Prepare your membership budget for the year.
- Start approaching local businesses to join as PTA Business Members, and/or work with you to provide membership discounts.
- Attend a membership workshop at a Regional Training or School of Information.
- Present the membership plan to your PTA board for their approval. This will help the board to feel ownership and the responsibility to implement it.
- Make sure all officers and chairmen are members. Set an example by being the first member of your PTA unit.
- Use dates of special Missouri PTA, National PTA, and community events to organize and plan PTA activities
- Have a membership table at all school functions – open house, registrations and volunteer meetings. Have a table with information about PTA’s programs, activities, positions, advocacy efforts and membership.
- Include PTA information and sign-up forms in “Back-to-School” packets and/or send letters of invitation home with all students for their families to join PTA.
- Invite each faculty member to join at a staff in-service or a “Back-to-School” luncheon (with Principal’s permission).
- Record membership and remit all dues money on the first of each month along with a Dues Remittance Form to the state office.
- Have a membership table at your first PTA meeting. Use this opportunity to welcome everyone and encourage their support and involvement. Inform them of your plans and programs for the upcoming year.
- Include articles in your PTA, school and community newsletters describing activities and programs of your PTA.
- Contact area businesses about membership opportunities with your PTA.
- Visit and decide which membership awards your unit will be applying for.
- Make sure you have the opportunity to earn the Missouri PTA Early Bird award by submitting your first membership dues to the state by August 31.
- Make contact with all parents, teachers and community members who have not joined. Send an email or a personal invitation. Look at last year’s membership roster and contact those that have not rejoined.
- Continue to have a membership table at each school function – be visible!
- Inform members of the progress toward the membership goal.
- Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful. Let your members know how much their membership means to children and youth.
- Plan an activity to kick off the second half of your membership drive in January. Then enjoy the winter break and come back refreshed and renewed!
- Check the Missouri PTA and National PTA websites for Member Benefit Provider updates.
- Watch for winter membership challenges from Missouri PTA.
- Record membership and remit all dues money on the first of each month along with a Dues Remittance Form to the state office.
- Continue to ask new members to join your PTA.
- Be sure to include PTA information and sign-up forms in “New Student” packets. Send a personal note to parents of new students, letting them know of upcoming PTA events and ask them to join.
- Try adding a new membership discount at a local business.
- Plan an activity for National PTA’s Founders Day.
- Plan an activity for Take Your Family to School week.
- Continue to check Missouri PTA and National PTA websites for new ideas.
- Record membership and remit all dues money on the first of each month along with a Dues Remittance Form to the state office.
- Plan to attend MOPTA Convention in April! Be prepared to listen and share ideas with PTA members from around Missouri!
- Make sure you get all those new dues postmarked by March 1st!
- Apply for those much deserved membership awards and celebrate your accomplishments!
- Plan to attend Missouri PTA Convention.
- Review and update the membership roster.
- If your school has a spring Kindergarten enrollment or Round-Up for in-coming, next year, Kindergartners, set up a PTA Membership table and provide your PTA information to those new parents, so that they are ready to join in the fall.
- Update membership records and the Procedure Book for your successor. Include your final membership numbers and the original goal, awards applied for, a roster of your committee members, evaluation of your successes, recommendations and any important materials to carry out the work of the committee.
- Include an end of the year article for your newsletter about your unit’s success and include a “THANK YOU” to each and every PTA member!