Your Name: Carla Wiese
MoPTA Board of Managers Position: President
Involved in Board of Managers Since: 2012
What does your position do?: Serve as the chief executive officer, official spokesman and representative for Missouri PTA. I have the privilege to work with a fantastic group of hardworking, dedicated people that bring together so many talents that make an awesome team.
Unit/Council, Region & Years Involved: Boone Trail Elementary PTA, Meramac Region 14 years
Why are you involved in PTA?: My short answer is my children Will, Alex, Ben and Katie. My long answer is because I believe, ALL children deserve a quality education. I believe they should go to school feeling safe and graduate being able to compete on the global stage. No child should know what it is like to go to bed hungry or not be a part of a family. I do this because it is my passion and love not for just my children and future grandchildren but for all children.
Food/Drink: Tex-Mex/ iced tea
Season: Winter
Entertainment (Book, Movie, TV, Band, Music) Book: My favorite book is impossible to name. My favorite genre is historical fiction. My favorite authors: Diane Gabldon, Margaret George and Phillipa Gregory TV: Outlander Movie: Shawshank Redemption Music: It depends on my mood. I love all kinds of music.
Activities/Hobbies: reading and travel
Quote: “Children are not a distraction from more important work. They are our most important work.”- CS Lewis
More about you:
Describe yourself in 3-5 words: friendly, ambitious, motivator, team player
Healthy Living Tip: Keep moving and drinks lots of water.
What makes you stand out?: I try to be a friend to everyone. I am ambitious and not afraid to take risks.
What are you learning this year?: I am learning how to be Missouri PTA president in a crazy time. I am also learning to let go and trust everything will be fine.
What is a goal you have this year?: To live in the moment.
What is a proud accomplishment?: This year I have a senior in both high school and college. I am excited to see what lies ahead for both of them.
Something interesting you’ve done this year?: With COVID I have taken up painting again. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed it. As a family we have also enjoyed much more time together (which at times has been hard) doing family movie and game nights and puzzles I never would have guessed I would have the patience to complete many over the last year.