Call for Resolutions for 2017 MO PTA Convention

The resolutions committee is seeking resolutions for consideration during the 2017 Missouri PTA Annual Convention in Columbia, MO. Has your Unit or Council identified an area of concern MO PTA should focus efforts? If so please submit your ideas to us for consideration to be adopted statewide.

  • All resolutions packets must be RECEIVED electronically at Missouri PTA no later than October 21, 2016.
  • You can download the Resolution Handbook and worksheet in the MO PTA tool kit. You can access the Tool Kit by logging into the member’s only section here.
  • Resolutions received after the deadline will not be presented at the 2017 Annual Convention.
  • Early submission is encouraged. If parts of the resolution or background information are missing, or if edits are necessary, the submitter will need to work with a committee member to ensure the final submission is completed by the deadline date.
  • Fax and hard copy submissions will not be accepted.

For more info, see our PTA Resolutions Toolkit. This is the guide National PTA publishes and is our preferred method of receiving Resolutions.

Resolutions – Historical Resolutions/Positions

“R” and “X” Rated Movies  2000

Accountability  1991

Aids to Proper Nutrition Encouragement   1979

AIDS-Information and Education   1988

Alcohol Education   1974/1982

Alternative To Out Of School Suspension  1981

Amusement Park and Carnival Rides   1982

Bicycle Safety   1974

Binge Drinking   1992

Cable TV  1982

Child Abduction   1984

Child Abuse   2005

Child Passenger Restraint Systems  1990

Club Drugs  2001

Community Mental Health Centers   1975

Comprehensive Health Curriculum   1975

Confidentiality Legislation   1974

Corporal Punishment  1991

Covers of Printed Material Display  1975/1986

Disruptive Behavior  1991

Driver Examination and Testing Office Hours  2000

Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol and Other Drugs  1991

Drug Oriented Magazines  1980

Drug Paraphernalia   1979

Drugs   1969/1977

Eating Disorders   2000

Ecology  1990

Education and Information on Anabolic Steroids:  Their Dangers and Side Effects   1989

Education of Homeless Children  1992

Educational Television Programming  1977

Elementary Guidance and Counseling Programs  1979

Exploitation of Children and Youth in the Work Force  1993

Funding for Hazardous Routes   1974

Funding For Special Education (HB474)  1990

Funding of Screening Programs for Three and Four Year Olds  1992

Funding Plan for Schools  1992

Funding Public Education  1989

Funding Public Education  1995

Funding Support for Education  1990

Hancock Amendment  1995

Health Hazards of School Bus Diesel Exhaust   2004

Healthy School Choices for Healthy Kids   2004

HIV and AIDS Information and Education Awareness  1992

Household Hazardous Waste Collection and Awareness  1986

Human Relations  1991

Immunization Awareness  1990

Inappropriate Television and Other Media Programming   2005

Inappropriate Television Programming  1991

Integrated Education and School Transportation  2000

Junior High Parent Teacher Conferences  1979

Jury Duty Selection  2000

Learning Disabilities  1972

Legislative Priority on Educational Funding  1992

Mandatory Busing Coupled with Inflation  2000

Mandatory Fire and Tornado Drills in all Missouri Public Schools   1975

Mini Bikes, Skate Boards and Mopeds Safety   1978

Missouri Juvenile Code   1971

Multicultural Education  1991

North Central Accreditation  1976

Objectionable Commercials  1991

Objectionable Use of Children in Advertising  1977/1986

Parent and Family Life Education  1991

Parent Teacher Conferences  1973

Parent Teacher Conferences  1983

Parenting  1975

Passenger Restraints Pickup Trucks and Vans  1995

Position Statements  1995

Positive Peer Pressure and Self Esteem Building Programs  1987

Professional Health Services for Missouri Schools   1980

Prohibition of “Look Alike” Drugs   1981

Project Prom/Graduation  1986

Proposition B  1995

PTA Flood Relief  1996

PTSA Priority  1990

Public Parent-Early Childhood Education  1995

Purchase of Fireworks by Children   1989

Rabies Control Law   1981

Reaching for Excellence  1991

Regulating of Day Care Centers  2000

Relocation of Nuclear Waste   2002

Safety and Disaster Plans and Procedures   1983

Safety on the “Information Highway” for Missouri’s Children and Youth   2004

Save Our Schools  1996

School Absenteeism  1976

School Bus Driver’s Qualifications  2000

School Bus Safety No. 1   1973

School Bus Safety No. 2   1973

School Financing in the 80’s  1981

School Library Services  2000

School Violence and Vandalism   1976/1977

Smokeless Tobacco   1987

Smoking and Health  1990

Smoking and Health Education  1990

Special Olympics  1978

State Revenue Restrictions  1993

Student Transportation Aid  1985

Teen Drivers and Cell Phones  2006

Television Programming  1991

Television Viewing Skills  1991

Television Violence  1991

Testing  1976/1979

Toxic and/or Hazardous Materials in School Buildings   1989

Tracking the Sale of Methamphetamine Chemicals   2000

Uniform School Speed Limits/Signs   1977

Vocational Education  1968

Voting School Operating Levies  1995

Warning Labels on Alcoholic Beverages  2000

Work and the Family  1982

Youth in Work Place   2002